【禁闻】鼓动民族情绪 中共强制卫视节目











马晓明:“起码我们要爱国,我们中华民族要腾飞等等,它把人民的注意力从共产主义转向了爱国主义、民族主义,另外转向了国外,转向了所谓的帝国主义,敌视中国的势力和所谓的日本军国主义抬头, 日本同中国的争端、对中国的敌视等等。”






采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

CCP: Only Patriotic and Anti-Fascist Programs Are Allowed In Prime Time

The CCP broadcast and media regulator recently ordered only
programs related to patriotism and anti-fascism to air
in prime time.

Comments analyze the CCP is to confuse people with preaching
programs after the communist fantasy is shattered.

On Aug. 14, the CCP broadcast and media regulator demanded
September and October prime time air only anti-fascist
programs to all front-line satellite stations and
patriotic programs to the second-tier TV.

Shanghai's Dragon TV staff confirmed the notice from the
TV regulator.
As for the start date , it is left for the station to decide.

This staff analyzed the order for patriotic programs
is similar to an earlier order of programs about "China Dream".
As for the anti-fascist theme, he said: "It is generally believed
to be the anti-Japanese or anti-German programs during
World War II.

The civil war between the Kuomintang government and
the CCP won't count, but the Sino-Japanese war does count."

This May, the CCP ordered all provincial TV to air
a series on the theme of China Dream from July to October.

Former reporter of Shaanxi TV, Ma Xiaoming, indicates
prime time supposedly airs programs suited to the needs
of the market.

This regulation to limit the content of the program and
to restrict people's thoughts will only lead to a greater rebound.

Ma Xiaoming: "The CCP is now facing growing awakening
and resistance of the people.
Its tactics to constrain them are to step up repression
with police forces and means such as education, news and

It is stupefying propaganda to handle its crisis of power."

Last May, the CCP required local education departments
to instill Xi Jinping's China Dreams into the classroom
through text books and lectures.

In July, it demanded all domestic Internet TV license
providers to remove all foreign short films and dramas.
The CCP Publicity Department also banned all foreign
social media software.

Ma Xiaoming indicates that the CCP has failed people over
its 60 years of rule.
It is now manipulating patriotism and nationalism
to condition and confuse people.

Ma Xiaoming: "It is to say that, at least we have to love the
country, our nation must take off.
That's how it is diverting people's attention from
communism to patriotism and nationalism.
It is also turning against overseas, so-called imperialist,
hostile forces and the so-called rise of Japanese militarism,
the dispute with Japan, hostility against China, and so forth."

Ma Xiaoming says that, in fact, people are disgusted at the
propaganda about patriotism and anti-fascist nationalism.
Major media and its staff are also complaining.

Ma Xiaoming: "Chinese should think about one question.
That is, what is the problem China is facing?

Is it the threat of Hitler's fascists?
Is it the threat of Japanese militarism?
Or is it the brutal repression and the fooling tactics
executed by the CCP?"

Shanghai media personnel, Chen Minghui, points out that
Chinese have followed the CCP with the slogan, "Down with
fascism!" for decades.

In fact, what it really means is probably unite under the
supreme authority which has the ultimate right to speak
and to justify.

Chen Minghui: "It means its words and deeds are equivalent
to the law, and even higher and more authoritative.
After we understand the real fascists,
its demand to the local TVs is just very laughable."

Chen Minghui believes that this reveals the internal fighting
of the CCP leadership is extremely strong.
In the name of patriotism, the CCP intends for all sectors
to consciously safeguard its ruling authority,
and to bridge the division caused by the intense power struggle.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/LiYong