【禁闻】宋林案发酵 审计署原司长被查
















采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

The "Song Lin Case" Continues to Expand,

Song Lin is the former chairman of the board of
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s central enterprises
"Chinese Resources."

Recently an official newspaper of the CCP, Xinhua News
Agency claimed:
that executives involved in the "Song Lin case" are being
investigated on charges of "illegally obtaining state secrets."
Analysts have pointed out that the big tigers behind the
"Song Lin case" will be pulled out one by one.

On August 25, Economic Information Daily published
a joint report by chief reporter Wang Zhiwan and others,
stating that China Resources former Auditing Commission leader
Huang Daoguo was taken away by the police for investigation,
on charges of "suspicion of illegally obtaining state secret."

59-year old Huang Daoguo was the Deputy Dean of
the Audit Commission Office in 2000.
His former posts include Audit Commission, Wuhan Office
Representative, Audit Commission, Guangzhou Office
Representative ,
and leader of Audit Commission Agricultural And Resources
Environmental Protection Department.

In 2011, Huang Daoguo left the Audit Commission and
joined China Resources as Audit General Officer,
He served as non-executive director for China Resources'
five listed companies.

The report quoted informed sources that the investigation
of Huang Daoguo could be related to:
illegally obtaining audit reports of China Resources from
Audit Commission several years ago.
Huang Daoguo passed the reports to Song Lin
after obtaining them.
Song Lin once instructed "China Resources Coal Holdings
Corporation Limited" to work with Audit Commission Taiyuan
Office representatives to eliminate hidden dangers.

It is said that in July 2013, Wang Zhiwen reported via
microblog with his real name,
about how high-level executives of China Resources Song Lin and
deliberately caused billions of dollar losses of state assets during
China Resources Huarun Electronics' acquisition of "Shanxi Gold,"
and accused Song Lin of "huge corruption."

The report said that since the CCP Central Committee of
Discipline Inspection announced its investigation on Song Lin,
a lot of people from China Resources who were involved in the
"Shanxi Gold" 'acquisitions have been taken away.

Beijing politics watchers Hua Po: "One insider from the
Audit Commission tipped off Song Lin.
The arrest of Song Lin is only the tip of an iceberg.

The investigation of Song Lin might be long and detailed.
China Resources is CCP's knife to control HK.
Its root is deep and wide in HK, as well as Shanxi.

China Resources used the country's money to
buy a worthless and empty coal mine.
Many officials in Shanxi were dismissed;
I think it is related to the collusion with the Shanxi faction."

The media pointed out that the investigation of Huang Daoguo
might imply the root of China Resources be pulled out.
So who are those at the root of China Resources?

US-based Chinese researchers Zhang Jian believes
the "Song Lin Case" involves the Jiang Zemin faction.

Zhang Jian: "China Resources is definitely the business
of Zhou Yongkang's team.
CCP's cleaning up has mainly targeted at cleaning up
Jiang Zemin faction's remnants.
From cracking down corruption to hitting the tigers,
all those been cleansed are the entire Jiang's faction.
It is like a spider web. Now it is to test the
depth of the faction who has blood on their hands.
During the process of digging, all in-depth black-box operations,
their second team and third team will gradually be dug up."

Former reporter of Shanxi Evening News Li Jianjun,
who reported on Song Lin first, revealed to the media that:
the CCP Central Committee of Discipline Inspection commission
has ranked the "Song Lin Case" as the third largest case
behind the "Zhou Yongkang Case."

The "Song Lin case" involves retired
CCP Politburo Standing Committee members.

Hua Po: "China Resources is also one of Zeng Qinghong's
secret services in HK.
One reason to overturn China Resources is corruption,
another reason is to pull out Zen Qinghong.
Without cleansing China Resources, HK will have troubles
sooner or later.
There are tons of spies in HK who play very large roles.
They might create many troubles in HK. Xi Jinping must take
over China resources in order to take over HK.

It is reported that Song Lin's investigation started on
April 17, 2014 with instructions from Xi Jinping.
Although high-level officials approved the investigation
after getting the report from Wang Zhiwen, the order was halted
for nearly one year.

It is said that in addition to Zeng Qinghong, Song Lin has a
very close relationship with former Chongqing Party
Secretary Bo Xilai.

They worked together from Dalian to Congqing. The CCP Politburo
deputy chairman Su Rong, who was dismissed in June, 2014,
was also very close to Song Lin.

Su Rong is Zeng Qinghong's confidant, was hand-picked
by Jiang Zemin.

Interview/Zhu zhishan Edi/ChenJie Post-Production/Chen Jianming