【禁闻】牵涉中共高层家族 前山西首富被捕















采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/周天

China Resources Power (CR Power) President Sacked
Former Shanxi Richest Man Arrested

Recently, the Executive Director and CEO Wang Yujun of China Resources Power, a Hong Kong China Resources (CR) holding
listed company, was investigated.

He might be involved in the former China Resources chairman
Song Lin’s bribe and corruption case.

The former reporter Li Jianjun, who reported Songlin's real
name released that the biggest beneficiary of the CR billion
merger case--the former Shanxi richest man Zhang Xinming.

He was taken away by police due to the interest in transportation
with many former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders.

It’s analyzed that the CCP’s anti-corruption surrounding Songlin
case will last for a while due to the case involving the Jiang faction.

According to mainland media report, on the evening of the
26th August, CR Power declared the executive director and
President Wang Yujun was under
investigation by Jiangsu prosecution.

Wang Yujun with over 20 years’ experience in plant production
and management has served as Hunan CR Power Liyujiang Ltd
deputy general manager, CR Power Dengfeng Ltd general
manager, Jiang Su province Zhenjiang Power Generation Ltd
general manager and Dengfeng Co. CR Power" Jiangsu;

Additionally Wang served as executive vice-president in
CR Power from 2009 June to 2010 July.

It is said that Wang Yujun is the 7th investigated executive in
CR this year.

The report cited sources saying Wang Yujun is implicated in
the CR former chairman and secretary Song Lin’s investigation.

August 25th afternoon, the former Shanxi Evening News reporter
Li Jianjun who reported Song Lin's real name released
the following information.

The biggest beneficiary of the CR billion merger case,
Zhang Xinming, the former chairman of Shanxi Gold Group,
was taken away by police on August 4th afternoon due to
gang-related and money laundering problems.

The former Shanxi Evening News reporter Li Jianjun: he was
gang-related and in close collusion with local officials.

So he had a nickname in Shanxi,
“the underground organizing Minister”.

He made profits in Taiyuan by long-term illegal stealing and
grabbing national resources, extortion and robbery.

He had been wanted by the Public Security and investigated by
the public security criminal group.

However, he got help from Taiyuan Public security bureau
director Su Hao and escaped.

Now, it’s the stage of drawing the CR net and
he has been taken in for sure.

It is said that in February 2010, CR Power set up Taiyuan Coal
Resources Ltd through the protocol between its subordinate CR Liansheng Energy Investment Co., Ltd. and Gold Group.

The CR Power also purchased the Gold Group asset package.

In May of that year, Taiyuan CR and Gold Group signed the
asset transfer agreement of 11.7 billion yuan overall.

Zhang Xinming was suspected to benefit from a billion in
cash from the deal.

Zhang and Song Lin were also questioned as to having
benefited from the transfer.

Li Jianjun said Zhang Xinming asked him to shut up
with 20 million Yuan.

Li Jianjun: he might have the problem of being gang-related,
money laundering, corrupt officials, bribery in the CR case
to grab national assets.

At the end of last year, I wrote an open letter to Song Lin which
was reprinted by the Media.

He had a Taiyuan Gang leader go to Beijing to give me
20 million Yuan and I refused.

He called me angrily and said to buy my head
with 50 million Yuan.

According to a Hong Kong Apple Daily report that Zhang
Xinming is not only the beneficiary from CR billion merger
case, but also the money laundering white glove
for many corrupt officials.

He has interests in transportation with many former
Communist Party leaders’ families.

The report said the fund from the billion merge case, which was processed by Song Lin and Zhang Xinming, are saved in an
account in Sichuan province Mianyang.

The money is suspected to have been delivered to
Zhou Yongkang because Zhang Xinming got Zhou
Yongkang’s instruction to win the equity dispute lawsuit
with the other coal boss.

With Zhang another benefactor is the former chairman of
Shanxi Liansheng Energy Group Xing Libin.

He not only facilitated the CR billion merge case, but helped
Zhang Xinming connect with the former Vice President's
family Zeng Qinghong.

US Chinese commentator Li Shanjian: CCP corruption actually
always surrounds the two camp battle between Xi and Jiang.

Now, it’s the Xi camp cleaning up the Jiang camp.

The clearest clue in the Shangxi case is
the CR group or Song Lin.

Everything involved including arrested officials and wealthy
are pointing to him because he is Zeng Qinghong’s henchmen,
who attracted Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan’s
attention in anti-corruption.

This is part of the Jiang faction who will be cleaned out.

Li Shanjian pointed out that the Xi Jinping camp will
repeatedly clean out the Jiang faction
involving the Song Lin case.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhouTian