【禁闻】山西官场再震荡 习亲信任吉林书记

















采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/周天

Xi Jinping Breaks Up Another Lair of Jiang Zemin

While Shanxi officialdom lost another two senior officials,
Jilin is also being hit, losing its provincial party secretary.
CCP media indicated the anti-corruption has picked up
pace after the downfall of Zhou Yongkang, the security tsar,
and Xu Caihou, the military leader.

It is likely to move towards the higher and bigger tiger.

Aug. 31, Vice Minister of the Central Organization Department
Wang Qinfeng announced at the Jilin Provincial meeting,
Bayinqolu will take over as Jilin Provincial Party Secretary
to replace Wang Rulin.
It is understood that Wang Rulin will become
Shanxi Provincial Party Secretary.

The 59-year old Bayinqolu served eight years
in the Communist Youth League Central in 1993-2001,
and was transferred to Zhejiang in 2001.

Insiders indicate that Bayinqolu won the trust
of Xi Jinping during his post in Zhejiang as the subordinate
of Xi Jinping, then Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary.

There are media pointing out that this major change
in Jilin officialdom is preparing for a power shift in Shanxi.

August 29, two more Shanxi senior officials were sacked.
They were the Provincial Standing Committee members
Bai Yun and Vice Governor Ren Runhou.

So far, 7 Shanxi provincial officials were investigated,
of which four were on the standing committee.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po: "The shock in Shanxi
officialdom is very big. I think Shanxi Provincial Party
Secretary Yuan Chunqing is also in danger.

The officialdom earthquake in Shanxi will continue.

Xi Jinping has to change the cumbersome situation in local
government. Each local government has become independent
from the central, seeking its own interest.

Wang Rulin transferring to Shanxi is to sustain Li Xiaopeng
so that both of them will obey Xi Jinping."

A blog post was published on ifeng.com and Xinhua stating
that, among the sacked officials in Shanxi, the majority of them
are native to Shanxi.

Their deep-rooted relationships can be imagined;
the investigation will likely turn out to be "group" cases.

The article indicated the investigation of Zhou Yongkang
and Xu Caihou was a turning point for the anti-corruption.
The probe has come to a high ground. Winning the high ground
will bring down resistance and speed up the movement.
The movement is heading towards other commanding heights.

Who would be on the so-called other commanding heights?

CCP official media also published another blog from
Yan Zhaowei, indicating that in order to save his own life,
Song Lin could expose big tigers at the national leader level.

It is understood that Song Lin is a henchman of former
Vice President Zeng Qinghong.
His close ties to former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai
spread from Dalian to Chongqing.

Commentator Li Shanjian: "Xi Jinping's leadership has been
revolving around the so-called tigers, such as Bo Xilai and
Zhou Yongkang.

He first cleaned their subordinates and created the atmosphere,
then he cleaned the so-called tigers.

Following this trend, Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Zemin
should soon be taken care of."

Li Shanjian points out, Shanxi official earthquake also showed
another strategy of the CCP in the anti-corruption.

Li Shanjian: "After hitting several tigers, the damage to the
CCP is quite big.
To maintain its rule, the CCP has tried to save people's faith
in the regime by punishing a large number of officials and
creating a strong image of serious anti-corruption.

But, I feel the effectiveness is very limited.
Corruption is only a symptom.
The root of the corruption has been kept untouched.
That is the matter of the system."

Jilin officialdom change is believed to prepare for the change
of Shanxi officialdom.
It is also a major breakthrough in the fight against the Jilin gang,
led by the Jiang faction Standing Committee Zhang Dejiang.
Since 1989, Jilin Provincial Party Secretary has been occupied
by the Jiang faction.
In 25 years, Jiang faction is losing its Jilin lair for the first time.

In fact, when Jilin gang Su Rong (Vice Chairman of the CCP
Political Consultative Conference) was investigated on June 14,
it was believed that political turmoil targeting Jilin gang
had already begun.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhouTian