【禁闻】哈尔滨爆发H5N6疫情 市民不知情

【新唐人2014年09月04日讯】哈尔滨爆发H5N6疫情 市民不知情



哈尔滨巿民徐女士也表示,她不知道双城区的村落有鹅只感染,当局隠瞒疫情,直至没办法才向外公布。 徐女士批评说,中共政府根本不拿民众的死活当一回事,事情大了它才公布,而且当地的防疫措施很差,政府也不重视。


香港学生将罢课一周 占中仍将进行












H5N6 Epidemic Outbreak in Harbin.
People are Left Uninformed.

On August 28, the highly pathogenic H5N6 broke out in
Harbin city Shuangcheng district.

The resulting epidemic left around 20,000 geese infected,
and more than 17000 dead.

The Chinese authorities finally announced the information
on September 1 after 7 days of hiding the facts.

According to Radio Free Asia report, local farmers said they
didn't hear of any nearby geese being infected with bird flu.

The authorities did not strengthen farm inspections.

Ms Xu in Harbin also said she did not know about the geese
in Shuangcheng district being infected until the authorities
were unable to hide the information and eventually made
the public announcement.

Ms Xu criticized the Chinese authorities for not taking
peoples' lives seriously.

The local government has poor epidemic prevention
measures and doesn't care.

This May, the first H5N6 infection case in the world was
found in Sichuan Nanchong city when a 49-year-old man died.

Hong Kong Students will Strike For One Week When
Central Occupy will be Launched

The fake election imposed by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) triggered wave after wave of protest.

According to Hong Kong Apple Daily report, Hong Kong
Federation of Students (HKFS) has mobilized 11 Hong Kong
universities to strike in protest at the CCP's forcing out
universal suffrage.

It's said that the HKFS temporarily scheduled the strike for
September 22.

However, the strike doesn't mean not studying.
The students will hold a rally in a public place.

Hong Kong Baptist University assistant professor Wong Wai
Kwok said he contacted 40 scholars of strike supporters.

He plans to give lectures at the rally to the students.

Occupy Central sponsor Dai Yaoting said that they won't give
up occupy central because of the People's Congress decision.

He believes there will be tens of thousands of participants.

Occupy central will pick the day of the least impact on
Hong Kong's economy.

Beijing's Ignorant Decision On The Hong Kong Issue.

The international media have continued to criticize the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) decision on the Hong Kong issue.

On September 2, British Guardian newspaper published an
online editorial;

"China may rue the day it refused to let Hong Kong people
have a proper say in the affairs of their city."

The editorial said Beijing's decision showed timidity and
stupidity; they actually made a stick to beat themselves with.

The Guardian commented: Beijing's decision will lead to
conflict between a large number of middle-class, young
people and police. Even if these demonstrations are
suppressed, the best results are just angry silence.

The Guardian believes that the CCP's decision will certainly
hurt the Hong Kong economic prospects;

Businesses and investors are afraid of the
unstable political situation.

Meanwhile, Beijing also sends the wrong signal to Taiwan,
because one country two systems seems very unreliable.

Beijing's approach also defies the UK because it violates
the Hong Kong government transfer promise in 1997.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
