【禁闻】封锁Google第一案 原告:法院涉伪证


















采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制/肖颜

First Lawsuit against Mobile Censorship Involves Court Perjury

Wang Long, a legal worker in Shenzhen, filed a lawsuit against China Unicom, the State-owned mobile service provider, for blocking access to Google. The hearing was conducted in Shenzhen Futian District Court. A decision has yet to be announced by the court. Wang Long complains that court staff forced him to sign a record inconsistent with his statement. He suspects the court is violating the law.

Wang Long indicates, he brought both China Unicom and the Shenzhen Branch of China Unicom to court for lack of access to Google’s online services such as Google and Gmail since May.

This lawsuit is known as the first against China’s censorship of Google. Shenzhen Futian Court conducted the hearing on Sept. 4.

Shenzhen Branch of China Unicom was represented by a lawyer, but no one was present on behalf of China Unicom.

Wang Long: "During the hearing, the judge asked the plaintiff's agent, 'Can your network access Websites such as Google?'"

The agent could not answer right away and did not know how to answer this question. He gave an example: the broadband telecommunications in his law firm has no access to Google. But, before he could finish his sentence, the judge said, "Having no access, but is irrelevant to the operating vendor." It is simply answering on behalf of the plaintiff."

Wang Long indicates that the acting judge Bai Songling asked the court registrar to record "Having no access, but is irrelevant to the operating vendor."

The statement not belonging to the plaintiff was recorded as it was.

Wang Long protested by asking the acting judge to be excused.

Another judge dismissed his request by saying that it is the verbal decision of the court president.

The court did not immediately make the decision on the hearing day.

Wang Long points out, the registrar surnamed Tsai is not a judge or staff member of Futian Court, and did not wear ID. Wang Long refused to sign the record as the transcripts were made inconsistent to his statement.

Registrar Tsai demanded Wang Long sign the paper, scolded him and even attempted to conduct violence on Wang Long by shutting the door.

Tsai finally stopped when Wang Long called the police.

In fact, Wang Long had received a phone call from national security in Shenzhen Longgang District before the hearing asking to meet him at two o'clock.

Wang Long rejected the meeting and wrote on Twitter: "If I do not update again within six hours after this message, I may have been forced to disappear. Please pay attention."

Wang Long: "Nobody knows if this case will win, or like many mobile phone users have said, there is no way this case will win.

But I think the significance of this lawsuit, including the process of the hearing, is to tell people that citizens have the right and should insist on the right."

Wang Long believes, citizen rights can only be achieved when everyone advocates the right.

Guangzhou activist Xu Lin: "It is not about winning the case. He tried to wake up our conscience to resist and to learn about the evilness of this tyranny. Meanwhile, he tried to show an example with his action."

Xu Lin believes Wang Long's behavior is a protest against blocking free speech. His protest reveals the many masks of mobile websites by the government. This may trigger mobile phone users' curiosity to break the censorship and learn more about foreign media.

Chinese lawyer Mr. Liu explains, there is no legal regulation on accessing foreign Websites, but only on those which endanger national security or allow pornography.

Obviously, Google and Gmail do not belong to any of them.

But the court will certainly find any excuse to endorse the Internet blockade.

Lawyer Liu: "There is no legal support for these government agents to mask these Websites, whether it is the law or judicial interpretation."

Lawyer Liu indicates that courts reserve the right to interpret the law in China. Courts also prevaricate and pass the buck around.

For example, Shanghai court once ruled against a similar lawsuit with the excuse of "gaining access through a proxy server."

The mobile phone user lost the case.

Interview/TianJing Edit/SongFong Post-Production/XiaoYan