【禁闻】台湾地沟油祸及港澳 大陆没事?
















采访/田净 编辑/凯欣 后制/葛雷

Suspicious Silence in China Regarding "Gutter Oil" Spread To HK, Taiwan and Macau

The "Gutter Oil" events in Taiwan continues to spread,
and has reached HK and Macau.
HK media reported on September 8 that
many of HK's popular gift boutiques are affected.
Macao Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau also confirmed that
local businesses imported foul Changguann cooking oil
through Tai Hing Oils & Foods Co., Ltd.,

And nearly 20 businesses are impacted.

Strangely there is no report of any impact on China's
food and oil importers regarding this gutter oil crisis in Taiwan.
The outside world thinks that this suspicious.

The "Gutter Oil" event in Taiwan continues to develop.

On September 7, the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan
pointed out that Quangtong Pork Oil and Hejiang Pork Oil
made by Changguann were distributed to at least 236 businesses,
It was then sold to 971 food-processing factories,
night-markets and restaurants, in all 1,027 businesses.

Among them, 51 businesses used this adulterated pork oil
to make 139 suspect food products.

However, the problem pork oil is not only sold in Taiwan.

HK Centre for Food Safety discovered on September 6 that:
traditional food oil distributor Shing Cheong Hong
might have distributed Taiwan Changguann's pork oil.

Some bakeries are hit as well.

Macao Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau confirmed that
18 bakeries imported the corrupted oil through Tai Hing Oils
& Foods Co., Ltd.

Macau government has asked importers to stop selling
the remaining inventory of thousands of barrels.

Mr. Zhou who works in the catering industry in China:
"I do not know why there is such a thing in Taiwan.
I also find it strange."

Chen Yunfei, a Chinese citizen who is concerned about
food security issues expressed that gutter oil started in China.

Chen Yunfei: "The system in China was unhealthy and
caused loss of life.
It also impacts HK and Taiwan.

Some businessmen or officials learn to
take these shortcuts to earn quick money.
They do not work hard, but engage in this short-sighted behavior.
Those in HK and Taiwan have learned these short cuts."

Mr. Zhou: "I am sure no matter how much the gutter oil issue
is reported in HK and Taiwan, it is not as serious as the issue
in China.

The media in Taiwan do their job.
With media monitoring, the information is transparent.
Once there are problems, media report them extensively."

Radio France Internationale reported on September 7,
Taiwan and China's economic and trade relations are
vibrant in recent years.

However, so far there is no news of the impact of this event
on China's food and oil importers.
Chinese authorities also have not taken any preventive measures.

In fact, China did export food oil into Taiwan.

HK's Wen Wei Po reported that many problem products
are sold on China's Taobao site.
Hundreds of products are sold each week via the taobao site,
such as Wei Chuan Meat Delicacies, Spicy Meat Sauce, etc.

Chen Yunfei: "China does not investigate these issues.

There is no such system. The officials protect each other.
So they won't do anything."

Shandong Democracy Activist Zhang Enguang expressed that
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities for sure
does not want to get deeply and widely involved in this.

They want to dilute the impact of this to save its image.

Zhang Enguang: "Where is the safety in China?

There is no safety in China's environment, including foods.
Gutter oil started in China for sure."

Mr. Zhou: "There are too many issues of gutter oil and
poisonous foods. It seems to be normal.
I am surprised to see this happening outside China.
We Chinese eat too much of these and no longer feel it strange."

HK's TVB News reported on September 9, that:
legislator Tsai Huang-lang quoted former employees from
Changguann that it has been importing poor quality oil
from China through HK for 13 years.
It then mixed in Pingtung's gutter oil underground workshops
and sell it.
Taiwan has banned the sale of any food using gutter oil.
Local legislators said that the authorities
are stepping up the investigations.

Taiwan's Liberty Times reported that as early as a decade ago,
gutter oil was extracted from kitchen sinks, ditch residue,
waste oil or bad pork and intestines.

Each year many gutter oil events were reported by the media.
Experts said Chinese people eat up at least
two million to three million tons of gutter oil a year.

Interview/TianJin Edit/KaiXing Post-Production/GeLei