旅美中国社会问题研究人士张健: “无论外界传闻江泽民的死是否属实,外交部发言人用这种非常不专业的语言,公然羞辱前领导人的方式来阐述,证明在中共官场,第一,所有官员急需站队,要和习站在一起。因为所有官员已经把清习的脉,把的非常清楚,习就是死磕‘血债帮’。第二点,江泽民执政期间,对中国人民犯下的罪行,反人类的罪行也是空前的。大部分有良知的人从心里对‘血债帮’也是有一个距离的。”
夏小强 :“因为当时在2011年时,习近平当局对江泽民集团的围剿还没有开始,当时周永康还没有下台,江泽民在军中的亲信徐才厚也没有被抓捕,那时江泽民的权力还分布比较广。(现在)外交部发言人的这个话,其实已经反映了江泽民集团最真实的一个现状,就是江泽民大势已去。”
张健: “江派人马的失势看起来已经是必然了。江泽民死与活其实不是特别重要的了。他即便不死的话,也是生不如死﹔他即便死了,他也要下地狱,受到正义的审判。”
采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/钟元
Foreign Ministry's Rare Response To Jiang Zemin's Death
The death of former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader
Jiang Zemin has been widely reported recently.
The CCP Foreign Ministry responded in a press release
that the death cannot be confirmed.
Contrary to its routine denial, what does this surprising
answer entail? Let's take a look.
At a regular press conference, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Hua Chunying responded to a reporter's question regarding
Jiang Zemin's death.
She said, "It's the first time we've heard of the news,
and it can't be confirmed," reported BBC Chinese.
This particular portion of the Q&A session, however,
was omitted from the press release on the ministry's website.
It is noteworthy that this is the CCP's first official response
to rumors about Jiang's death without denying it
China social issue researcher Zhang Jian: "Regardless
of whether Jiang Zemin's death is real, this unprofessional
tone of a Foreign Ministry spokesperson to openly humiliate
a former leader proves that one, all CCP officials are anxious
to take a stance.
They are clear on Xi's psychology.
Xi is targeting the bloody debt gang.
Two, Jiang Zemin committed unprecedented crimes
against humanity.
The majority of people with a conscience would keep
a distance from the bloody debt gang."
Current affairs commentator Xia Xiaoqiang indicates
the convention would be to deny it and label it as a rumor
if Jiang were still alive.
The Foreign Ministry spokesperson's answer says
the approach is now different.
Xia Xiaoqiang: "If Jiang Zemin is really dead,
the CCP wouldn't hide it very long.
The lack of release says that Jiang Zemin is still alive.
There are reasons why the Foreign Ministry spokesperson
gave the rare answer."
As early as July 6, 2011, Hong Kong's Asia Television
gave an exclusive report on Jiang's death.
Xinhua News Agency denied the rumor
with a brief English report 18 hours later.
In a regular press conference the following day,
the same question was brought up three times.
With no direct answer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
spokesman Hong Lei just said, "Xinhua has released
relevant information.
Please consult the report."
Xia Xiaoqiang: "It took place in 2011 when Xi Jinping
had yet to conduct the siege against the Jiang faction.
Zhou Yongkang had not stepped down, Jiang's crony
in the military Xu Caihou had not been arrested,
and the power of Jiang Zemin was still widely distributed.
This time the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman's response
reflects the true status quo of the Jiang faction.
That is, Jiang Zemin has lost his power."
The 88-year-old Jiang Zemin was last seen in public
on May 20 when he met visiting Russian President
Vladimir Putin in Shanghai.
Japan's Tokyo Shimbun reported on Aug. 30 that Jiang
was hospitalized with serious bladder cancer.
His condition was deteriorating, added the report.
Subsequently, rumors about Jiang Zemin's health
have increased.
Rumors of Jiang Zemin's death began last Saturday.
Chinese social media such as Weibo and WeChat have both
shown posts stating Jiang Zemin died of bladder cancer,
citing sources from People's Liberation Army 301 Hospital.
Pictures insinuating Jiang Zemin's death, such as a toad with
legs straightened, went viral on the Chinese Internet recently.
There are blogs stating, "Most importantly, everyone wants
him dead!
It is reflecting exactly what the people want.
At this point, Jiang is more scared of being alive than dead."
Zhang Jian: "The downfall of the Jiang faction is inevitable.
It is not particularly important if Jiang Zemin is dead or alive.
If he's still alive, he is a living dead;
If he's dead, he's bound to hell and judged by justice."
A poem on the Internet expressed the hope for Jiang's death:
"An ugly breed created chaos in China,
A three-legged toad was named the king.
God of Death captured the ugly devil,
Living beings celebrate and thank Heaven!"
Interview/YiRu Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/ZhongYuan
旅美中国社会问题研究人士张健: “无论外界传闻江泽民的死是否属实,外交部发言人用这种非常不专业的语言,公然羞辱前领导人的方式来阐述,证明在中共官场,第一,所有官员急需站队,要和习站在一起。因为所有官员已经把清习的脉,把的非常清楚,习就是死磕‘血债帮’。第二点,江泽民执政期间,对中国人民犯下的罪行,反人类的罪行也是空前的。大部分有良知的人从心里对‘血债帮’也是有一个距离的。”
夏小强 :“因为当时在2011年时,习近平当局对江泽民集团的围剿还没有开始,当时周永康还没有下台,江泽民在军中的亲信徐才厚也没有被抓捕,那时江泽民的权力还分布比较广。(现在)外交部发言人的这个话,其实已经反映了江泽民集团最真实的一个现状,就是江泽民大势已去。”
张健: “江派人马的失势看起来已经是必然了。江泽民死与活其实不是特别重要的了。他即便不死的话,也是生不如死﹔他即便死了,他也要下地狱,受到正义的审判。”
采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/钟元
Foreign Ministry's Rare Response To Jiang Zemin's Death
The death of former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader
Jiang Zemin has been widely reported recently.
The CCP Foreign Ministry responded in a press release
that the death cannot be confirmed.
Contrary to its routine denial, what does this surprising
answer entail? Let's take a look.
At a regular press conference, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Hua Chunying responded to a reporter's question regarding
Jiang Zemin's death.
She said, "It's the first time we've heard of the news,
and it can't be confirmed," reported BBC Chinese.
This particular portion of the Q&A session, however,
was omitted from the press release on the ministry's website.
It is noteworthy that this is the CCP's first official response
to rumors about Jiang's death without denying it
China social issue researcher Zhang Jian: "Regardless
of whether Jiang Zemin's death is real, this unprofessional
tone of a Foreign Ministry spokesperson to openly humiliate
a former leader proves that one, all CCP officials are anxious
to take a stance.
They are clear on Xi's psychology.
Xi is targeting the bloody debt gang.
Two, Jiang Zemin committed unprecedented crimes
against humanity.
The majority of people with a conscience would keep
a distance from the bloody debt gang."
Current affairs commentator Xia Xiaoqiang indicates
the convention would be to deny it and label it as a rumor
if Jiang were still alive.
The Foreign Ministry spokesperson's answer says
the approach is now different.
Xia Xiaoqiang: "If Jiang Zemin is really dead,
the CCP wouldn't hide it very long.
The lack of release says that Jiang Zemin is still alive.
There are reasons why the Foreign Ministry spokesperson
gave the rare answer."
As early as July 6, 2011, Hong Kong's Asia Television
gave an exclusive report on Jiang's death.
Xinhua News Agency denied the rumor
with a brief English report 18 hours later.
In a regular press conference the following day,
the same question was brought up three times.
With no direct answer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
spokesman Hong Lei just said, "Xinhua has released
relevant information.
Please consult the report."
Xia Xiaoqiang: "It took place in 2011 when Xi Jinping
had yet to conduct the siege against the Jiang faction.
Zhou Yongkang had not stepped down, Jiang's crony
in the military Xu Caihou had not been arrested,
and the power of Jiang Zemin was still widely distributed.
This time the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman's response
reflects the true status quo of the Jiang faction.
That is, Jiang Zemin has lost his power."
The 88-year-old Jiang Zemin was last seen in public
on May 20 when he met visiting Russian President
Vladimir Putin in Shanghai.
Japan's Tokyo Shimbun reported on Aug. 30 that Jiang
was hospitalized with serious bladder cancer.
His condition was deteriorating, added the report.
Subsequently, rumors about Jiang Zemin's health
have increased.
Rumors of Jiang Zemin's death began last Saturday.
Chinese social media such as Weibo and WeChat have both
shown posts stating Jiang Zemin died of bladder cancer,
citing sources from People's Liberation Army 301 Hospital.
Pictures insinuating Jiang Zemin's death, such as a toad with
legs straightened, went viral on the Chinese Internet recently.
There are blogs stating, "Most importantly, everyone wants
him dead!
It is reflecting exactly what the people want.
At this point, Jiang is more scared of being alive than dead."
Zhang Jian: "The downfall of the Jiang faction is inevitable.
It is not particularly important if Jiang Zemin is dead or alive.
If he's still alive, he is a living dead;
If he's dead, he's bound to hell and judged by justice."
A poem on the Internet expressed the hope for Jiang's death:
"An ugly breed created chaos in China,
A three-legged toad was named the king.
God of Death captured the ugly devil,
Living beings celebrate and thank Heaven!"
Interview/YiRu Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/ZhongYuan