【禁闻】党媒释信号 周永康案将向上延伸
















7月份就有传言说,曾庆红已经被控制,儿子曾伟也被软禁。 8月25号,中纪委书记王岐山与政协常委会晤时,回应常委提问“在周永康之后是否有更大老虎”时,回答说:“以后你就慢慢懂。”

采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

Zhou Yongkang 's Investigation Case Extends Upward

Recently, signs hinted at the extended investigation of former
Politburo Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang 's case.
On Sept. 11, when former Sichuan politician Li Chongxi
was publicly alleged of serious disciplinary and legal violations,
was investigated by judicial organs.

The Communist media also reported the key
of Zhou Yongkang smooth promotion through the hierarchy:
the person who said he 's good was capable.

Both seem to target a key figure who had promoted Zhou,
Jiang Zemin.

The website of CCDI (Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection) Supervision released on Sept. 11 that chair
of Sichuan province's CPPCC (Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference) Li Chongxi was being investigated.
He was said to have taken advantage of his position to seek
benefits for others, accepting huge bribes through relatives.
He 's expelled from the party and administrative post.
The case has been transferred to judicial organ.

The 63-year-old Li Chongxi, Zhou Yongkang 's crony,
was notified by CCDI last year and put under investigation.

When Zhou Yongkang was transferred from the Ministry
of Land Resources to Sichuan Provincial Party Secretary
in 1999, Li Chongxi was also promoted.

In 2000, Li Chongxi became the secretary of Zhou in Sichuan
and then a key Sichuan provincial Standing Committee.

Since Xi Jinping came to power, he has sacked a large number
of officials in the name of anti-corruption.
Included were two other high Sichuan officials,
the deputy secretary Li Chuncheng and Sichuan Province
Federation of Literary and Art Circles Vice Chairman
Guo Yongxiang.

Former History Professor Liu Yinquan: "Zhou Yongkang
is lawless.
The people he hired were all alike– corrupt—
but were still promoted.
That 's why the downfall of Zhou Yongkang
also means these people will surely be punished."

The alleged crimes committed by Zhou Yongkang were
largely reported back in 2012 when the Wang Lijun incident
took place.

Included is the conspiracy with Bo Xilai in the coup plan
and assassination of Xi Jinping;
the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners
and organ and corpse trafficking;
The murder of his ex-wife through a planned car accident;
corruption on hundreds of billions of yuan;
accepting money to help criminals acquittal and releasing
gang leader who was sentenced to death, and so on.

Prior to Zhou Yongkang 's downfall, several officials close
to him were sacked including former PetroChina general
manager, Jiang Jiemin, former vice governor of Hainan
Province, Ji Wenlin, former deputy director of the Politics
and Law Committee, Ren Yugang, and former Guard Bureau
staff of Ministry of Public Security, Tan Hong.

When Li Chongxi was placed under investigation, People's
Tribune published an article, "Officials ' Relationships
and the Political Environment."

It summed up the lessons learned
from Zhou Yongkang 's case.

The article stressed that the official selection and appointment
system has manufactured Zhou Yongkang 's case.
The promotion requires three key 'capabilities ':
One is the capable self;
The second is someone says the one is capable;
three is the person who says the one is capable
is capable himself.

The article referred to the third 'capable '
as the most critical key to promotion.

Liu Yinquan: "That implies Jiang Zemin is accountable
for the appointment of Zhou Yongkang.
Jiang Zemin hand-picked Zhou Yongkang and was Zhou 's
biggest behind the scenes supporter.
Jiang Zemin is pro-cronyism and unprincipled
in the promotion of Zhou.
Strictly speaking, Jiang Zemin is accountable
for Zhou Yongkang 's official path."

On July 29 when Zhou Yongkang was officially sacked,
the people.com commented, "Sacking the big tiger
Zhou Yongkang is not an end to the anti-corruption."

On Aug. 1, Xinhua also said the same thing, suggesting
a thorough investigation of Zhou Yongkang 's backstage boss
- Jiang Zemin.

Senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming said that since the 18th
National Congress, the Xi and Li leadership has sacked many
officials mainly in the Jiang faction in the name
of anti-corruption.
The quick removal of Xu Caihou and Zhou Yongkang
suggested his next move will be even faster.

Zhao Yuanming: "It is clear that Jiang Zemin is the final
and the biggest tiger.
I think Jiang Zemin is getting closer to being arrested
for justice.
Zeng Qinghong will certainly not get away with it either.
Why? We all know Zeng Qinghong was Jiang's advisor.
Zeng has ideas and Jiang has the final say,
that 's their relationship."

Zhao Yuanming analyzes that Jiang Zemin
and Zeng Qinghong are two grasshoppers on a string.
Neither will escape but will soon be punished by the law.

Rumors have circulated since July saying that Zeng Qinghong
has been controlled and his son placed under house arrest.
In an Aug. 25 meeting with the CPPCC Standing Committee,
CCDI Secretary Wang Qishan was asked whether there 'll
be bigger tigers beyond Zhou Yongkang.

Wang answered, "You 'll slowly understand."

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/LiYong