
【新唐人2014年09月16日讯】 最新民调:近半港人支持否决政改方案









博罗抗污染 周六发动十万人游行

广东省惠州博罗县居民反对兴建垃圾焚烧发电厂, 周六、周日连续两天发起大规模游行后,周一(15号)暂时恢复了平静。当地警方公布,已经有5人因为在网上发布消息被行政拘留。


镇压文件曝光 民:可以豁出命




Poll Shows 48% Veto Hong Kong Political Reform

A recent poll from the University of Hong Kong appearing on
the Hong Kong South China Morning Post shows that,
48% of respondents say the HK Legislative Council
should reject the 2017 universal suffrage resolution
proposed by the Chinese Communist Party People's Congress
because it is fake democracy.

Another 39% of people supported the council to pass
the related proposal from Beijing, and 13% were not sure.

The poll was conducted by the Public Opinion Program
of the University of Hong Kong from Sept. 4 - 11.
After interviewing over 1,000 people in Hong Kong,
the result showed a significant increase of people wanting to
veto the political reforms by the CCP People's Congress.

Human Rights Lawyer Sues National Bar Association

Sept. 15—mainland human rights lawyer, Wang Cheng
sued the National Bar Association and Legal Daily
on grounds of reputation infringement, in a Beijing Court.

This is the first case in mainland China for a lawyer
to sue the Bar Association regarding defamation.

According to an eyewitness' description, more than a hundred
mainland citizens and lawyers appeared in court for the trial
to support Wang Cheng, and there were over a hundred
plainclothes and police standing guard.

After the trial, Wang Cheng told an NTD reporter that
the court procedure had been illegal, because he was ignored
six times by the Judge in his request for withdrawal.

Wang Cheng went to the Discipline Court to complain,
and the judge unlawfully continued procedures in his absence.

June 30—the mainland Legal Daily published a statement
from the Bar Association saying that 7 human rights lawyers
who had had their licenses revoked are misleading the public
by continuing to work—Wang Cheng was named on the list.
Wang Cheng submitted a court case stating that
his license to practice had never been revoked.

Hundreds of Thousands Rally Against Pollution in Boluo

Last weekend, Boluo residents in Guangdong Province
rallied against the construction of a waste incineration plant.
The streets were calm again on Monday (Sept.15);
yet local police announced that five people had been detained
for posting messages about the rally online.

According to Radio Free Asia, local residents are preparing
for demonstrations on a larger scale.
The report quotes local resident Mr. Hou saying,
"the next procession will be on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 9:00am;
hundreds of thousands of people will participate."

Boluo authorities' Control Strategy Leaked

A confidential document from the Boluo government
has leaked onto the Internet, showing the Boluo authorities'
tight plan to control the local anti-pollution demonstration,
including a detailed strategy of how to suppress protestors,
police allocation and labour division for the spot commander.

Facing such a detailed plan, protesters said,
"we may be no match for the government,
but we can give our lives to defend our homeland."

Edit/Zhou Yulin