【禁闻】伊力哈木正式开庭 辩护律师不乐观
















采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/李勇

Uyghur Academic Ilham Tohti Tried, Lawyers Not Optimistic

On Sept. 17, Uyghur acadamic Ilham Tohti is on trial
for separatism in Urumqi court, Xinjiang Province.

Tohti's lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan says that although
the trial is simply an initial procedure of questions,
he feels the outcome isn't so optimistic.

Let's take a look.

Liu Xiaoyuan told NTD Television that Tohti's four family
members had attended the trial.

Almost no Uyghurs appeared in court, but
many Han Chinese were sent to court.

Many journalists were also in the courtroom.

Liu Xiaoyan, Tohti's lawyer: I felt the atmosphere was tense.

They blocked a major road in front of the court gate
completely, many riot police were standing guard.

Liu says that in the courtroom, Tohti wasn't handcuffed or
shackled, he wore casual clothes,
this is different from the past.

Facing questions of prosecutors and lawyers, Tohti repeatedly
stressed that Uyghur Online is just a website.

Staff are volunteer-based; they were not a criminal group
aiming to separate the country.

He said he was always was against separatism and violence.

Liu Xiaoyuan: I always feel that currently,
the case isn't looking so optimistic.

If the charges against Tohti leads to a conviction,
he would be sentenced to more than
10 years to life in prison.

Before the trial, Li Fangping, Tohti's other lawyer told
Voice of America that Tohti also felt that
the outcome wouldn't be optimistic.

But Tohti hoped that through his case, he can bring deeper
understanding between Uyghur and Han, but not cause hatred.

Tohti, 44, was an economics Professor of Beijing's Minzu
University and founder of the Uyghur Online website.

He was detained from Beijing home by police on Jan. 15.

Urumqi Intermedia People's Court have accused him of
"separatism" on July 30.

The allegation includes that he had "links with overseas
East Turkistan Islamic Movement;

Using the internet to promote Xinjiang independence;
inciting the idea to overthrow the government
in classroom lectures and more.

Jewher Ilham, Tohti's daughter:
I am sure my father is not guilty.

I saw the government and authorities were accusing my father
of several crimes,at least those crimes are unreasonable.

My father has never done such things.

Hewher Ilham who currently studies in a university
in the US has posted on twitter:
My father was sent to prison wasn't because
he had committed crimes, but for his outspoken views to his
ethnic group and urging the minority equality.

I will repeat it, my father isn't a terrorist!

My father hasn't promoted violence!

My father hasn't incited "separatism".

Human rights activist Hu Jia: I knew Ilham Tohti for so long,
I was considered as his Han brother,
I understand his thoughts.

He naturally puts his right hand on his chest to express that
he has absolutely has never supported any separatists.

He just hoped Uyghurs can be respected, can have a peaceful
life in the big family of this country.

Hu Jia says that he has contacted several countries' diplomats.
He urged them to concern themselves with this case.

Hu Jia confirmed that eight countries and organizations
including the US, Australia and the European Union
would like to attend this "extreme ridiculous" case.

Human Rights Watch says that Tohti's trial "is a disturbing
example of politicized show trials and
intolerance for peaceful criticism."

Wall Street Journal points out that the case illustrates the
Chinese regime shrinks tolerance of even moderate dissent.

Media also exposed that Tohti had been tortured:
He was forced to wear leg shackles and denied food,
he still wore short sleeves clothes in cold weather
during his detention etc.

Hu Jia criticizes the regime of its "stupid" policy,
he questioned that whether the regime would be satisfied
if every Uyghur exerted their utmost strength
against the regime?

In early 2007, Wang Lixiong, an expert on ethnic issues
wrote in his book "My West China, Your East Turkestan":
Xijiang's issues had dangerously "Palestinized".

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/LiYong