【禁闻】中国的“奴工” 德国的工程师(上)


目前旅居德国多特蒙德市的法轮功学员郭居峰,原本是中国大连的一名电气工程师。因为坚持自己的信仰,他被中共当局先后非法关押到大连劳教所、葫芦岛劳教所、以及被中共司法界称为“鬼门关” 、与辽宁省马三家教养院,并称为“中国纳粹集中营”的辽宁省关山子劳教所。在这些“人间地狱”,郭居峰经历了在常人眼中猪狗不如的生活。






那么究竟是甚么力量,使郭居峰能够在很短的时间内克服了语言、身份、经济、文化等各方面困难,并最终获得了跨国企业的赏识,获聘成为当地的一名电气工程师的呢? 请关注下集。

采访编辑/张天宇 后制/周天

From a CCP’s “Slave Worker” to a German Engineer (Part 1)

This story is about a “slave worker” who was forced to work
for over 16 hours each day in Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
forced labor camps.

After extreme suffering, he finally started a whole
new life in Germany.
Without being able to speak German, he became an electrical
engineer for an international enterprise in only a few years.
His journey from a “CCP slave worker” to a German
engineer has attracted attention from multiple
German media, and many people were moved by his story.

Guo Jufeng, a Falun Gong practitioner currently living
in Dortmund, was a electrical engineer in Dalian, China.
He had been illegally detained by the CCP in Dalian Labor
Camp and Huludao Labor Camp, and Guanshanzi Labor Camp.
Among them, Liaoning’s Guanshanzi Labor Camp, also called
“the jaws of death” by the CCP judiciary, is as notorious as
the Masanjia Labor Camp and “China’s Nazi concentration camp”.

Guo experienced lives worse than pigs and dogs
in those living hells.

Guo Jufeng:“I was kidnapped four times and had been
detained in three CCP labor camps for 454 days in total.
I was tortured in more than 20 ways. The police officer
even put an electric baton over my neck for over 5 hours
and all my neck skin burned out.

In addition, I was forced into labor such as collecting
vegetables, moving floor blocks, quarrying and
producing diodes. The diodes weighed over 130 kilos.

We worked for over 16 hours each day
except time for meal and sleep.”

The CCP’s labor camps have the worst living conditions,
all kinds of tortures and tiny cell confinement that can drive
people mad.

Those things, along with extremely harsh labor had
devastated Guo’s health.

Guo Jufeng:“I had been placed into tiny room
confinement twice, totally for a month.
The jailer back-handcuffed me beside the wall.
I could only sleep on my arm at night.
My arms quickly became numb as I slept on either of them
in turn for a short while.
I also needed to use my teeth to move my pillow, which was
a shoe, from one side to the other for another round of nap.
The jailer even opened the door in January.
In northeast China it was minus 20 degree in winter.
They attempted to freeze me with cold wind and snow.”

Despite that, Guo Jufeng refused to abandon his belief
in Falun Dafa. Finally he risked his life to get freedom
with a 24-day hunger strike.

Then in 2008, the CCP kidnapped tens of thousands of
Falun Gong practitioners during Beijing Olympics.
Guo was on a business trip in Germany at that time.
He chose to stay in Germany to avoid being persecuted.
Guo started his new life there. Guo said “he finally left
the darkness and arrived at a place with sunshine,”
and “he felt very happy with breathing fresh air.”

What motivated Guo Jufeng to surmount all barriers
in language, identity, economy and culture,
and finally become an electrical engineer for
an international enterprise in Germany?
We will tell you the story in the next episode.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ZhouTian