








被法警押出法庭时,伊力哈木高喊“不服判决,抗议!”而他的妻子古再丽努尔(Guzailai Nu'er),在听到判决后,不禁恸哭。这个结果也让包括欧美在内的国际社会,感到极其震惊。



伊力哈木:“最担心的就是孩子了,怕他们遭到迫害。因为他们已经遭到了迫害,他们没有学校上,旁听生 ,我怕到那时候旁听生都没有了。小孩儿会很茫然,不知道(怎么办)。”


而伊力哈木19岁的的女儿,菊尔·伊力哈木(Jewher Ilham),今年5月时,曾经撰文说,对父亲“涉嫌分裂国家”的指控是那么的荒唐。如果说他犯有甚么罪行,那就是讲出了令人不安的真相。


胡佳:“ 这种东西(中共暴力手段)不是只对着恐怖份子使用的,它随时可以侵蚀到每一个无辜的老百姓身上,每一个表达自己诉求的公民身上。汉族人应该清醒了,伊力哈木是谁,我们应该去了解他。因为知道这么长时间以来,我们承受的所谓暴恐事件内核在哪里?谁是冤头债主啊?那是共产党!”


采访/田净 编辑/王子琦 后制/李勇

Moderate Critic: Ilham Tohti

He is a moderate critic known to advocate peaceful dialogue
between the Hans and the Uyghurs, but was sentenced to life
for being a thorn in the eye of the Communist regime.

Many people are concerned about him and many also
would like to learn more about him.

He is the prominent Uyghur Economist at Central
Nationalities University, Liham Tohti.

Ilham Tohti was born in Artush, Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region in 1969.

He grew up in a county government compound amongst
a mixed Han and Uyghur population.

His father was the first generation of national intellectual
after 1949, but was killed during the Cultural Revolution
at age of 28 when Ilham was only 2-years-old.

As a scholar, he is known for his research in income disparity
and unemployment in Xinjiang.

In 2006, he hosted Uyghur Online.

Since then, he has become the subject
of detention and suppression by the regime.

Beijing activist Hu Jia: "To me, he has been a trustworthy
brother at first, and then a conscience dissent.

He is a true scholar. He would always detail facts
with highly rational analysis."

Ilham believes that the crux of the problem in Xinjiang
is not about the Uyghur but the regime discrimination
in politics and economics.

The blind anti-terrorism policy of the regime has only
worsened the situation in Xinjiang.

However, his modest critics, despite much caution,
still cannot be tolerated by the Communist Party.

Ilham: "I can go to jail for what I say, the website I run,
and my honest words, which is an honorable thing."

"Some people said I was Uyghur of conscience.
I am not qualified.

But I hope the Uyghur conscience is in me."

"I do not like violence, I do not advocate violence.
I do not think the Han are our enemies."

Beijing police took Ilham away from his home in Beijing
this Jan. 15 without issuing charges.

After eight months of long wait, Ilham was found guilty of
"separatism" and sentenced to life imprisonment on Sept. 23.

All of his assets were confiscated.

Prior to being escorted out of the court by the bailiff,
Ilham shouted, "appeal against the verdict, oppose!"

His wife, Guzailai Nu'er, could not help but burst into tears
after hearing the verdict.

The verdict also shocked the international community.

Dilshat Reshit, a spokesman for the World Uyghur Congress,
said the verdict has completely disappointed those "wavering"
Uyghurs who had certain expectation of the CCP and hoped
to communicate with manners, peace and rationale,
reported Sound of Hope.

Ilham, once the richest Uyghur in Beijing and now one
of the poorest Uyghurs, seemed not to care so much
in his earlier interview. But, he does have his concerns.

Ilham: "I am most concerned about the children.
I fear for their being persecuted. They have been.

They could not go to school as regular students but to audit.

I am afraid that they would even lose the qualification
to audit.
The kids will be at a loss."

He has two sons, one is five and the other is eight.

In May, his 19-year-old daughter, Jewher Ilham, described
the accusation of "separatism" against her father as "absurd",
and said, "if he is guilty of anything, it is of speaking
uncomfortable truths."

A commentary in Hong Kong’s Apple Daily believed that
the CCP’s insistence punishing a moderate Uyghur dissident
with a felony to force the moderates to become radical,
in fact, covers up the split caused by the impact
of corruption, power struggle and scandals.

Hu Jia: "This tactic is not only used against terrorists;

It is always used to attack innocent people, anyone
who expresses their aspirations.

The Han people should wake up and learn to know
who Ilham is, why we are suffering so much terrorism,
and who the creditor is. It is the Communist Party!"

On Sept. 24 the rights Website, www.weiquanwang.org,
released Ilham’s remarks after the verdict.

Accordingly, his lawyer Li Fangping visited
the detention center in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and met
with Ilham who signed a 15-page long petition.

Lawyer Li Fangping will submit an appeal
on behalf of Ilham Tohti.

InterviewTianJing/ Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/LiYong