【禁闻】官媒只见严批 只字不提占中根源





前山东大学教授孙文广:“首先要问,就是这些人到马路上示威、到广场去示威,甚至是占中,他们是为了甚么? 那么关于这点,现在主要的媒体《人民日报》、《环球时报》都避而不谈。所以大陆很多人在问,这些人为甚么要去占中啊,为甚么要去示威啊?不知道。”













采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

Communist Media Criticizes but Cares Not for Occupy Central

As Occupy Central enters its 7th day on Oct. 7, global
concern for the democracy movement in Hong Kong continues.
But, the Communist media has framed its one-sided reports
criticizing the movement as a negative impact on society
making no mention of the cause of the movement.

People's Daily has published articles criticizing Occupy
Central for the sixth consecutive day.
This Monday, it accused Occupy Central of driving
democracy into reverse, the protesters are surely destroying
democracy in Hong Kong by opposing the decision
of the regime's congress on the 2017 universal suffrage
in Hong Kong.

The article also charged some minorities as considering
themselves Hong Kong's future saviors but violated
the public interest of the community.

The Central will not allow a few people "to use illegal means
to achieve noble purpose".

Regarding its stated scope and stand, former Shandong
University professor Sun Wenguang indicates that
Communist media deliberately ignore the core issue
of Occupy Central.

Sun Wenguang: "The first question is why these people took
to the streets? What is the protest, they Occupy Central for?
The mainland media including People's Daily, Global Times,
have all avoided this question.
So, if you ask the mainlanders why Occupy Central and
what is the protest about, they don't know."

Sun Wenguang believes the democracy protest in Hong Kong
was due to congress leader Zhang Dejiang's explanation
of Basic Law:
"Hong Kong Chief Executive can not oppose the one party
rule of the Communist Party,
can not oppose the Communist Party leadership."
This is equivalent to depriving Hongkonger's right to free
elections, negates the principle of "50 years of one country two
systems", and violates the policy of high autonomy in Hong Kong.

Chen Xiaomei, a mainlander: "This time I have seen some
online news. They are fighting for the general election in 2017.
It is a fight for democracy, for freedom.
What's wrong with that?"

Voice of America correspondent in Beijing found that many
people do not know what Occupy Central means.
In China, whenever the Western media such as CNN and BBC
broadcast Occupy Central supporters or protesters talking
of their views, the programs will immediately get muted.

An informed journalist told Radio Free Asia, the State Council
Information Office has ordered each network enterprise
to adopt technical means to isolate true information
in Hong Kong, especially cut off information on important
figures and key areas.

Sources also said that CCP-controlled media is only allowed
to hype Hong Kong students as being exploited;
No report on the demands of Occupy Central is permitted.

Complaints of inconvenience to people and businesses
caused by the movement can be interviewed repetitively.

In fact, the Communist CCTV news has repeatedly rendered
negative news about Occupy Central such as that it has affected
the stability of Hong Kong, even the produce vendors
can't tolerate it as their business plummeted etc.

Commentator Xing Tianxin: "Those who have an understanding
of the nature of the CCP would have looked at it the other way
around. Whatever the CCP criticizes, it is in fact a very good
thing which the CCP tries to cover up."

Sun Wenguang indicates that in the process of fighting
for justice and transparency, some impact on local order
and business is not the purpose of the students and should not
be exaggerated or manipulated to intentionally discredit
the movement.

Sun Wenguang: "Any major change or progress in a society
will cause some pain. It is impossible to have no pain."

In fact, Occupy Central has been completely voiceless
in the mainland, and the Chinese who support Occupy Central
have undergone varying degrees of suppression.

At least a dozen people have been detained
on charges of crimes of alleged provocation.

Xing Tianxin comments that it's because Occupy Central
has truly touched the CCP's sore spot.
Therefore, the regime has been clamping down on the issue
domestically and engaging in one-sided and bottomless
media propaganda.

Xing Tianxin reminds those who still hold illusions about the CCP
should wake up now.

Interview/ChenHan& Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/ZhouTian