【禁闻】警方再拆路障 泛民立法会提动议





占中学生EDDIE CHAN:“警方说,他们只是拆除路障,而不是要清场。但他们现在显然要清理掉所有抗议者可能占领的区域。因此拆路障和清场没甚么区别。”


占中学生WING CHEN:“有两辆卡车,爆发了冲突。警察只是站在那里拍摄,并没有采取任何措施制止那些拆路障的人。有学生就坐在卡车前面。情况很危险。”





护士SUN LAU:“我希望更加保护学生,尽管昨天发生了袭击,所以我会留在这里。”





采访/易如 编辑/尚燕 剪辑/舒灿

Hong Kong Police Dismantle Barricades Again

On Oct 14, Hong Kong police further cleaned up
the barricades and opened Queensway westbound.
Although the police said this was not to end the protest,
the protesters believe that the police are gradually
eroding the protest zone, and therefore they said
they would stay. On the other hand, the Hong Kong
Legislative Council will resume on Oct 15.

Pan-democratic Legislative Members are
prepared for further action.

In the early morning of Oct 14, nearly 200 police
cleared away the barricades on Causeway Bay,
and traffic on Hennessy Road westbound to Wan Chai
has been restored. 10am, the police took sudden action
to dismantle the roadblocks on Queensway westbound.

Hundreds of police officers sawed off scaffolding
and other barricades reinforced by the occupants
last night, also cut with pincers the plastic tapes fixing
iron railings and then gradually removed the roadblocks.
About one hour later, Queensway westbound reopened.

During the process, the on-site participants and students
of Occupy Central occupation kept calm
and restrained without resistance.

This was further action after they made a sudden attack
on clearing away roadblocks from 27 sites
across Hong Kong in the early morning of Oct 13.

But police said the removal action is not to end the protest.

Eddie Chan, 23 year old student:"...they said they are trying
to remove the blockade only but not to end this protest.
But what they are doing now is obviously trying
to remove all possible zones which can be occupied
by the protesters. So there is nothing different
between removing the blockade and ending the protest."

In the afternoon of Oct 13, hundreds of pro-government
supporters who oppose Occupy Central
suddenly appeared on the protest sites, wearing masks.

They were armed with large pairs of scissors and pliers,
rushing to the rally sites on Queensway
and attempting to move iron roadblocks away.

They also circled and attacked people.
As a result, some people were injured.

Wing Chen, student protester: "There were two trucks and
conflict broke out.
Police just stood there and took a video.

They did not take any action against the guys
who took away the barriers.
There are students sitting in front of the trucks.
The situation is dangerous."

Hong Kong Federation Secretary-General Zhou Yongkang
said that, after the police dismantled iron railings
in the morning of Oct 13, then afternoon some people
with masks came to clear away the iron roadblocks.
This looks premeditated rather than coincidental.

I do not know whether there is coordination
among these actions, which make us think
someone is trying to distract us.

However, despite experiencing violent attacks
and the police action in further removing roadblocks
on Oct 14, the citizens and students who participate in
Occupy Central still pledge to uphold the protest.

Mr Chu, 21 year old student: the police will reduce the
protest site day by day but we will re-build the barriers."

Rosemary, 21 year old student: "I just heard that the
"Caring Hong Kong Power" group (government supporters)
will attack us, so some of us will protect the protest site
and some of us will observe the police."

Sun Lau, 24 year old nurse: "...I want to protect the students
even though it happened yesterday so I will stay here."

Hong Kong Legislative Council meeting is scheduled
to resume on Oct 15. Leung Chun-ying
will attend the Council Question and Answer Session
on Oct 16th.
Pan-democratic members of the Legislative Council
are also considering further action.

Political science professor, Joseph Cheng,
from Hong Kong City University, says:
"On Wednesday the Legislative Council will meet,
and pan-democratic Legislative Members will fight
in the Council.

We will also have other protest activities and civil
disobedience actions. We know that this is
a very long term struggle.

We will not give up, and we will stick to it. "

Hong Kong Legislative Council member, Sin Chung-Kai:
"There are some specific motions in the Legislative Council
which include the establishment of a committee
to investigate Leung Chun-ying receiving funding
from Australia. This also involves his failure
to declare his interests in UGL company
to the Executive Council.

I think in the middle of November, a colleague
on the Legislative Council will put a motion
of no confidence, the impeachment might happen
at the end of November or early December,
because this needs more complex procedures."

According to University of Hong Kong Public Opinion
Programme poll results issued on Oct 14,
Leung Chun-ying's popularity fell to 40.6 points,
which is the lowest level since last November,
and the second lowest score since he took office.

The poll was undertaken after
one week of the Occupy Central action.

Interview/yiru Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan