【禁闻】云南书记秦光荣去职 有何玄机?















采访/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/肖颜

Yunnan Provincial Secretary Qin Guangrong Resigned, What's Going On?

Yunan Province, which is notorious for severe corruption recently had another earthquake in officialdom. Yunnan provincial committee secretary 65 year old Qin Guangrong, and local top leader, abruptly stepped down. This raised speculation. A number of high officials in Yunnan were sacked recently. Rumor is circulating about Qin's interests in disgraced former secretary of Politic and Law Commission Zhou Yongkang and his family. Most analysis indicates that Yunan will be the next target for the authorities to clean up.

The resignation of Qin from his official post was passed at a conference on Oct. 17, according to Yunnan Daily.

Qin was reported to leave his posts of Yunnan Committee secretary and standing committee member on Oct 14th. Yunnan governor Li Jiheng takes Qin's secretary position. The vice secretary post will be taken by National Trade Union party secretary Chen Hao. The authorities haven't released the reason behind Qin's resignation. Southern China Morning Post reported Qin will be sent to be vice secretary of the State Organizations Work Committee.

The position has little power besides assisting in charge of the Government Offices Administration of the State Council. The decision has attracted heated discussions.

Li Shanjian, independent commentator of China Affairs said, "Yunnan provincial committee secretary Qin Guangrong was removed and sent to a featherbed in central government. On the surface, he wasn't punished. But such a high local official like him who's not at retirement age being transferred to the central organization with a deputy position, definitely has problems. It's guaranteed."

Media analysis sees Qin's resignation likely linked to former Politics and Law Committee secretary Zhou Yongkang. Earlier reports say Qin bribed Zhou with at least 50 million yuan to get the position of deputy governor of Yunnan. He transferred contracts to mining projects owned by Zhou's family.

During Qin's term as Yunnan governor, he was reported by people publicly in writing several times for corruptions. He also allegedly sold the largest lead and zinc mine in Asia worth hundreds of billions of yuan to Zhou's ally Liu Han. It was reduced to the low price of 150 million yuan by colluding with former Yunnan provincial secretary Bai Enpei. Bai is currently under investigation for corruption.

Qin's also believed to be a member of Jiang Zemin's interest group. Qin was reported to be close to disgraced official Bo Xilai,and promised to make Yunnan a base of Bo's supporters.

Hua Po, Beijing political commentator, "Zhou arranged the corrupt people in Yunnan that is hardest hit by corruption. In was in charge of southwestern China. When Bo Xilai served in Chongqing, he was also in charge of the southwest. Before Bo's downfall, his last visit was Yunnan. It's very complicated. Yunnan has so many severe corruption cases. I don't think Qin Guangrong has anything to do with it."

Some media quoted inside sources saying the level of corruption in Yunnan is unbelievable. Corrupt officials are everywhere in party organizations; from county level to villages and in public institutions from various commissions to townships.

Li Shanjian, "why is there such result? On the surface, I think it must be related to the anti-corruption campaign. But anti-corruption is actually also a struggle between two interest groups. Yunnan is the same. A further step of Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, and Wang Qishan is cleaning up from Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong groups."

During the personnel change in Yunnan officialdom, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chose to assign someone from other places instead of promoting an official from Yunnan. This attracted speculation in society of how complicated Yunnan officialdom is.

Hua Po, "it means that Yunnan also formed a local group, just like Shanxi. Xi assigned the Yunnan governor to take place of Qin to get better control of Yunnan. On the other hand, Xi assigning someone from another place to be governor in Yunnan is to 'add some sand'. I believe it's to get ready for cleaning up Yunnan officialdom."

Li Shanjian indicated the people who followed the interest groups of Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong in the past to commit bad deeds, or the people who are still in the group will certainly be cleaned out one after another.

Interview/YiRu Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-production/XiaoYan