【禁闻】“占中”励志热门歌曲 红翻全港


《海阔天空》:“今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过 怀着冷却了的心窝漂远方 风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪 天空海阔你与我 可会变(谁没在变)”


由香港知名乐团Beyond 93年就开始发行的《海阔天空》,也许从来没有如此重要过。特别当9月29号晚上,Beyond乐队的吉他手黄贯中(Paul)到旺角现场声援,与超过10万香港民众大合唱时,那场景让不少人感动掉泪。大家大声唱着歌词,唱着彼此的心声。

《海阔天空》:“原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由 也会怕有一天会跌倒 背弃了理想 谁人都可以 那会怕有一天只你共我”




《光辉岁月》:“今天只有残留的躯壳 迎接光辉岁月 风雨中抱紧自由 一生经过傍徨的挣扎 自信可改变未来 问谁又能做到”



《撑起雨伞》:“站在前方 勇气驱不散 却信越怕命运更黯淡 但是谁想 要看穿荒诞却会在催泪下睁开眼”


《撑起雨伞》:“一起举伞 举起手撑 一起为应得的放胆争取 怕吗 任暴雨下 志向未倒下 雨伞是一朵朵的花 不枯也不散”


《问谁未发声》:“试问谁还未发声 都舍我其谁卫我城 天生有权还有心可作主 谁要认命噤声”

重新填词的粤语版《问谁未发声》,改编自大型音乐剧《悲惨世界》中的经典名曲——《Do You Hear the People Sing》。这首原本描述1832年发生在法国抗议活动的西方歌曲,为当下的香港抗争平添了几分历史份量。歌曲还衍生出“童声版”、“少女版”及MV版本《孩子问:谁还未觉醒》,先后在网络热传。


《伞下奇迹》:“用这雨伞编织 彩虹的天 就算失望 却不退让 别笑我在空想 虚无飘渺 信有梦想 留待见证 you will when you believe”

采访/秦雪 编辑/王子琦 后制/钟元

Encouraging Songs for Occupy Central in Hong Kong

Many inspiring songs have become popular since the start
of Occupy Central on Sept. 28.
The songs consist of classics as well as newly produced ones,
specially written for the movement.
These songs have become hits in Hong Kong.

Under a vast sky:
The night is bitter cold, the snow is flurrying
My heart is freezing, my mind is wandering
Rushing through the storm, uncertainty surrounded by mist
Between the sky and ocean, will we change in this boundlessness
--No one can escape the changes

This popular old rock song in Hong Kong has many praises:
The old song does sound great to the ear!

‘Under a Vast Sky’ was created by Hong Kong’s famous
rock band, ‘Beyond’, in 1993.
This song has probably never been so significant, till now.

On the evening of Sept. 29, Beyond guitarist Paul, joined
100,000 Hong Kongers in singing this song.
Many were moved to tears. The lyrics speak of everyone’s
mind and soul.

Under A Vast Sky:
Forgive my passion for freedom, and the untamed heart
Even someday I am also frightened, I could fall hard.

Everyone has a choice to betray their beliefs
Even someday I have nothing but you, I wouldn't be scared

‘Under A Vast Sky’ is perhaps the most sung song
in the movement.
It declares the determination of Hong Kong people
to embrace freedom.
The revival of this classic rock tune has quickly caught on
and is sung throughout all of Hong Kong!

Guangzhou artist He Guoquan: "It reflects the aspirations
of the people, not just in Hong Kong, but also the mainland.
It is not just Hong Kong, mainlanders also want it,
the wonderful ‘vast sky’.
Freedom, that’s what people want.

Beyond’s songs speak to us and to the social civilization.
Their lyrics are just great."

Beyond’s other song, ‘The Glorious Years’, is also chosen
as one of the inspiring theme songs in the Occupy Central.

The Glorious Years:
Today there is only the remains of a shell
To welcome the glorious years

Holding fast to freedom in the wind and rain.
A lifetime of loss and struggle
Believing in one’s ability to change the future
Who else can accomplish this?

Peace and love delivered in the song interprets truthfully
and honestly the Umbrella Revolution.
For there are struggle and hope,
and there are strength and courage
that they believe they can change the future.

Meng Yachun, a Beijing football club manager: "It is very exciting.
The Glorious Years was written for Nelson Mandela.
His lifelong pursuit of freedom fits well with the struggle
in Hong Kong right now.
I think Hong Kong people are now awakening. They are suffering,
suffering from their ideals and their freedom.
Hong Kong has been taken over by the Communist
for a very long time."

Hold Up Your Umbrella:
Standing at the front, courage can’t be dispersed.
For fear will only diminish life
Who is willing to see through the absurd?
And who – through the smoke of tears –
is willing to keep her eyes open?

This ‘Hold Up Your Umbrella’ is another song written in 48 hours
by famous songwriter Lam Chik, Pan, and singers such as
Denise Ho and Anthony Wong.

In a day, more than 10,000 people watched this Youtube clip.
Best Actress Deanie Ip also joined in with the singing.
Hold Up Your Umbrella:
Hold up our umbrellas, hold up our hands, holding on
Together, we’ll be brave, fight for what’s ours, right?

Let the brutal rain fall, our spirit has not flailed
Each umbrella is a bloom, a flower
It doesn’t wilt, it doesn’t disperse

This youtube clip was made with street images of pepper spray,
tear gas, tears, and umbrellas during the protest.
Many readers commented, "very gentle but very stern song",
"people moved to tears."

Who Has Not Voiced:
I ask who has not voiced
If not now, but when to save my city.

With the born right and the mastering heart
I ask who is silent to this misfortune

This re-lyrical Cantonese version was adapted from
‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’ of musical ‘Les Miserables’.
The originally made musical of 1832 protests in France, has
enhanced the Hong Kong movement with the integrity of history.
Various versions of the song such as by child, female singer,
and MV have created a wave of viewers online.

Other songs such as the Umbrella Blossom,
I promise you an umbrella, Stand Strong, When You Believe,
and so forth, warm the hearts and souls of the people
in the fight for democracy.

you will when you believe
When You Believe:
Knitting with umbrella, sky of rainbow
Even when let down, will not return.

Do not laugh at the dream, drifty and vain
Believe in the dream, long in our witness,
You will when you believe

Interview/QinXue Edit/Wang Zhiqi Post-Production/ZhongYuan