













采访/田净 编辑/黄亿美 后制/葛雷

Death Quota On Persecution of Falun Gong

A mainland Falun Gong practitioner in Guangdong Province
told Minghui about his persecution experience in Yangjiang

He exposed the public security organization of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for its evil persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners, manipulated by the 6‧10 Office,
which even has a death quota.

October 27, a Falun Gong practitioner from Guangdong
Province published an article on the Minghui website describing
his painful experiences in Yangjiang prison.

March of 2008, Maonan district court illegally sentenced this
Falun Gong practitioner to eight years in prison.
In August, he was transferred to the Yangjiang prison for
continuous persecution.
He was kept with three hardened criminals on the sixth floor
in the thirteenth prison area.
The three included: Wu Shenquan, a murderer,
Li Changtai, a swindler, and Wu Yaji, a drug addict:
all on life sentences.

According to the description, these felons shouted
"they would exercise the proletarian dictatorship
on behalf of 6‧10 to Falun Gong;
this is Communism and 6‧10!"
when the Falun Gong practitioner went upstairs.
Then followed a severe beating of the practitioner.
Guards pretended ignorance which means nobody will know it
even if he is killed.

The first person to take out a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin,
Zhu Keming:"According to the normal words, the persecution
of Falun Gong in the prison is to give them no way out.

Obviously, we know that they can do anything they want within
the five-meter-high wall because there is no media or outside supervision."

In any one night, in many prisons the screams of Falun Gong
practitioners can be heard.
The condemned Wu Shengquan pulled the practitioner
to bathroom to avoid the camera and used a ruler
as a weapon to brutally strip off his nails.

He also said,"I will make your life intolerable for even
one minute if you don’t change."
The practitioner’s screams shocked the whole Yangjiang prison.

The Minghui article also revealed that in order to force Falun
Gong practitioners to recant, Yangjiang Prison's "6‧10"”
head, by surname, Liang issued a secret order with a death quota,
but unknown content.
In the prison, three hardened criminals beat and kicked the
practitioner under the command of 6‧10 officer, surnamed Wu
and prison guard, surnamed Fu.

The swindler Li Changtai also fiercely said to him: Do you know
how Li Liang died?
He was beaten to death because he refused to convert

Swindler Li Changtai mentioned Li Liang, also a Falun
Gong practitioner in Maoming City, Guangdong Province.
In May of 2003, he was illegally sentenced and tortured, dying
in Sanshui Labor Camp.
He was sent to the Sanshui Hospital for medical treatment due
to severe lower extremity edema.
November 26, 2003, he passed away in pain and tears because
of a liver rupture.

Zhu Keming: "These people have no concept of Falun Gong
because some of them were sentenced to decades in prison.
They don’t know what has happened in the outside world.
Why do they hate Falun Gong so much?
Because they read some books to slander Falun Gong and
watched the rumor movies made up by the Communist Party.
Also they signed a contract that Falun Gong practitioners’
conversion is directly related to their early release."

Zhu Keming said that it happened time after time during his
illegal detention.

Zhu Keming: "I know the yellow cordon in prison, guarded
by armed police.
You will be killed if you cross the yellow cordon because
it's equal to jailbreak.
However, many prisoners persecuted to death, were also
said to have died because they crossed the cordon.
Pictures were taken of them lying on the cordon
with both arms outstretched.
They told their families that the prisoner was killed on
the spot trying to escape."

Falun Gong spokesman Zhang Erping: "So we can tell that
there is no doubt that 6‧10 has a secret death quota order.
We counted more than three thousand Falun Gong
practitioners dead because of persecution.
However, none of the participators in the persecution
received punishment or took any legal responsibility."

Zhang Ping said that the persecution of Falun Gong is against
humanity and violation of the Chinese constitution; but it's still
happening in China now.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/GeLei