【禁闻】港团体闯中联办 吁释撑伞运陆民














采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁

Mainlanders Arrested for Supporting Occupy Central

On the opening day of the APEC, four Hong Kong civil groups protested to the Liaison Office demanding the release of mainlanders who support the Occupy Central. Richard Tsoi, vice chairman of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China (HK Alliance) explained the purpose of the protest on APEC opening day. It is to call the world leaders' attention to China's human rights issues.

The four Hong Kong civil groups are the HK Alliance, Justice and Peace Commission of H.K. Catholic Diocese, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, and Independent Chinese PEN Center. In the afternoon of Nov. 5, members of the groups marched to the Liaison Office with yellow umbrellas and slogans, in support of the mainlanders who were suppressed for their support of the Occupy Central.

Richard Tsoi announced a joint statement that suggested the Umbrella Movement has frightened the CCP. The CCP not only block information, discredit the movement, but also summon and even arrest mainland supporters. In the name of provocation, the affected areas have covered the entire nation, including Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Anhui, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Hubei and so forth.

The joint statement also called on the CCP, to stop the suppression of human rights and release the arrested, as well as world leaders in the APEC, to uphold universal values and urge the CCP to improve human rights, democracy, freedom, rule of law and social justice despite the economic trading with China.

Richard Tsoi: "In the past month, we have learnt from various sources that at least 100 Chinese have been arrested or detained for their support of the Umbrella Movement. That's why we protest to the Liaison Office. The world leaders in Beijing APEC meeting should demand China fulfill its international obligations and respect human rights."

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group spokesman expressed their outrage over the lawyers and firms being implicated due to their support of Hong Kong's democratic movement.

1989 Students Movement leader Zhou Fengsuo also participated in the protest. He indicates that to support the arrested mainlanders is a purpose of his trip to Hong Kong.

Zhou Fengsuo: "Many of those who were arrested have not seen a lawyer or their family. I condemn this triad approach to the so-called rule of law. They have done nothing wrong by expressing their opinion."

There are also mainlanders showing their support by visiting Hong Kong personally. In his blog, Zhou Fengsuo described a Chinese surnamed Wu who came from Wenzhou of Zhejiang Province. When Zhou asked for his permission to post his photo online, Mr. Wu answered, “Here, it is a bastion of Chinese democracy. If someone has to pay for this just cause, I am willing to."

Zhou Fengsuo points out what happens to Hong Kong not only shocks the mainlanders but also frightens the CCP.

Zhou Fengsuo: "Since the Umbrella Movement, more than 100 Chinese have been arrested in less than a month. This panic suppression of Chinese who support the movement has affected more than 20 artists and numerous NGO members. Majority of them are not the typical dissidents. This explains that many Chinese are supporting the Umbrella Movement. It also says that the CCP suppression is very intense."

As early as Oct. 7, an online petition has been initiated to oppose the arrest of mainland supporters. The petition stated that several dozens of citizens have been arrested. What these respectable law-abiding citizens have done is just display publicly, placards in support of Occupy Central! They know how important Hong Kong's struggle is for us! Saving Hong Kong is to save oneself. In the storm, we appeal to the world: Give them freedom! Give us freedom!

In just two days, more than 130 people joined the petition. A comment reads, The arrest tells that they are right. The place it fights hard to preserve is its vital point. To secure the mainland prison, Beijing is willing to shut the window, Hong Kong.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie