【新唐人2014年11月22日讯】互联网大会落幕 中美秘谈网络安全
21号上午,知名维族学者伊力哈木•土赫提(Ilham Tohti)案二审宣判,法院维持原判,伊力哈木被以“分裂国家罪”判处无期徒刑。
下周二或清场 占中三子拟月初自首
末代港英总督彭定康(Chris Patten)周四在美国国会的一个听证会上通过视频表示,各国在香港人权问题上不应该惧怕与中共对抗,经济和贸易利益不应成为各国坚持原则和价值观的障碍。
World Internet Conference Concluded China and US Discuss Network Security in Secret
The World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province concluded today. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Chinese network reported that mainland and US officials held a closed-door discussion on network security.
However, nobody knows who attended, what was discussed and the result.
Network security is one of the crucial matters to impact Sino-US relations. China and "one or two" other countries are capable of mounting cyberattacks that would shut down the electric grid and other critical systems in parts of the United States, according to Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency and head of U.S. Cyber Command. (Quoted from above link)
The meeting also raised concerns in Taiwan. Taiwan Vice Minister of Defense Li Xiangzhou pointed out that the main purpose of this meeting is to explore, reserve hacker talent.
The Court Upheld the Earlier Decision on Ilham Case of Second Instance
The morning of the 21st, the court upheld the earlier decision on the well-known Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti case of second instance, sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of secession.
Two solicitors of Ilham, LiFangPing and Liu Xiaoyuan, said it was in violation of the normal judicial process to sentence in a detention center in Urumqi.
Also, the short notice right before holding court lead two
lawyers unable to attend.
Lawyer LiFangPing said Ilham will continue to appeal because he thinks the careless second trial abused the law. However, because the final judgment has been issued, Ilham has to file a complaint after he begins serving.
Site-clearing Might Happen Next Tuesday
Three People of Occupy Central Propose to Surrender Early Next Month
Hong Kong Apple Daily said Hong Kong police might conduct big site-clearing in Mongkok as early as next Tuesday to fulfill two temporary injunctions "tide minibus" and "Taxi union"
The three Occupy Guys, who originally planned to surrender on Friday to take the legal responsibility of civil disobedience will surrender early next month. They also plan to publicize the fight for the belief in universal suffrage with a campaign in the community before the end of Occupy Central. The Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) and Scholarism will stay for the arrest until the last minute.
Last British Governor Of Hong Kong, Chris Patten told the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China that countries such as the United States should not hesitate to confront China.
He said standing up for principles does not necessarily result in economic damage.
21号上午,知名维族学者伊力哈木•土赫提(Ilham Tohti)案二审宣判,法院维持原判,伊力哈木被以“分裂国家罪”判处无期徒刑。
下周二或清场 占中三子拟月初自首
末代港英总督彭定康(Chris Patten)周四在美国国会的一个听证会上通过视频表示,各国在香港人权问题上不应该惧怕与中共对抗,经济和贸易利益不应成为各国坚持原则和价值观的障碍。
World Internet Conference Concluded China and US Discuss Network Security in Secret
The World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province concluded today. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Chinese network reported that mainland and US officials held a closed-door discussion on network security.
However, nobody knows who attended, what was discussed and the result.
Network security is one of the crucial matters to impact Sino-US relations. China and "one or two" other countries are capable of mounting cyberattacks that would shut down the electric grid and other critical systems in parts of the United States, according to Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency and head of U.S. Cyber Command. (Quoted from above link)
The meeting also raised concerns in Taiwan. Taiwan Vice Minister of Defense Li Xiangzhou pointed out that the main purpose of this meeting is to explore, reserve hacker talent.
The Court Upheld the Earlier Decision on Ilham Case of Second Instance
The morning of the 21st, the court upheld the earlier decision on the well-known Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti case of second instance, sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of secession.
Two solicitors of Ilham, LiFangPing and Liu Xiaoyuan, said it was in violation of the normal judicial process to sentence in a detention center in Urumqi.
Also, the short notice right before holding court lead two
lawyers unable to attend.
Lawyer LiFangPing said Ilham will continue to appeal because he thinks the careless second trial abused the law. However, because the final judgment has been issued, Ilham has to file a complaint after he begins serving.
Site-clearing Might Happen Next Tuesday
Three People of Occupy Central Propose to Surrender Early Next Month
Hong Kong Apple Daily said Hong Kong police might conduct big site-clearing in Mongkok as early as next Tuesday to fulfill two temporary injunctions "tide minibus" and "Taxi union"
The three Occupy Guys, who originally planned to surrender on Friday to take the legal responsibility of civil disobedience will surrender early next month. They also plan to publicize the fight for the belief in universal suffrage with a campaign in the community before the end of Occupy Central. The Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) and Scholarism will stay for the arrest until the last minute.
Last British Governor Of Hong Kong, Chris Patten told the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China that countries such as the United States should not hesitate to confront China.
He said standing up for principles does not necessarily result in economic damage.