【禁闻】A股疯涨 股市狂热 引风险忧虑



美国《华尔街日报》观察发现,这次牛市行情,大部份涨幅是在过去一个月取得。占中国股市交易额80%左右的散户投资者,也表现出对股市兴趣重燃的态度。万得资讯(WIND INFO)的数据显示,上周股票交易新开账户达到370,071个。














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/萧宇

A-Shares Skyrocket, The Hot Stock Market Attracts
Worries About Risk.

The Mainland Chinese stock market has continued to rise,
with volumes soaring, reaching extreme levels.
This is similar to conditions before the
stock market crash in 2008.
Over $2.2 billion foreign capital was withdrawn from
China's stock market last week.
It didn’t make any impact on the stock market.

Many experts question why China’s stock market is going
in the opposite direction when the Chinese economy is poor.
Let’s listen to the expert analysis.

On Dec. 4, the Shanghai Composite Index soared,
reaching the highest record in 43 months.
Intraday highs of 2900, increasing 120 points makes it
the biggest one-day gain in two years.
The Shenzhen Component Index rose nearly 400 points.
The turnover of the two indexes exceeded 900 billion yuan.
China Petroleum and China Petrochemical stocks
rarely reached the daily limit.

The Wall Street Journal says most of the gains during
this bull market were made in the past month.
Retail investors that cover 80% of the turnover of China’s
stock market also regained interest in the stock market.
The Wind Info data shows that 370,071 new stock trading
accounts were opened last week.

A financial manager at a joint-stock bank in Shenzhen City
revealed that applications for credit loans recently surged.
Although many customers used consumption as loan reason,
he found out that many invested the money in stock market.

The general manager of a brokerage business department
in Shanghai told Shanghai Securities News that a real estate
group in Wenzhou City invested hundreds of millions of
capital in stock market in recent days.
The real estate group didn’t understand the valuation, and
it wasn’t logical. It directly invested in brokerage, he said.

Duan Shaoyi, MBA instructor at Beijing Normal University,
“Chinese common people lack investment opportunities.
The central bank cut interest rates, and bank interests are
even lower.
Ordinary people would rather take risks to invest money.”

Mr. Deng, investment consultant in mainland China, “From
2400 to 2800 points, it was the cap blue chip that was rising.
The state-owned enterprises and central enterprises were
the main body, and huge funds of unknown origin came in.
Where did they get the money?

Not only the real economy lacks money in China, local
government, central enterprise, and banks also lack money.
If everyone lacks money, while the stock market
is skyrocketing, there’s only one reason.
That someone wants to get rid of stocks through this.”

The Wall Street Journal commentary says the skyrocketing
of Chinese stock market recently reminds people of the
fanaticism in 2008 before the stock market crash. It raises
worries about risks.

On Oct. 16, 2007, the Shanghai Composite Index reached
6124, the highest record in history. It then fell sharply.
By Oct. 28, 2008, the index fell to 1664. The vast majority
of individual investors were stuck.

Chinese media Fx567.com also commented that national
strategic funding approach is like a stimulant.
This makes the entire stock market boiling. It raises the stock
market to gather capitals in the market.
It then configures capitals to each outlet of the stock market
through the market, which is skillfully deflected.
Such a method doesn’t bear on the surface.

The commentary also says if the economic transformation
stuck during the foam period, there would be an even worse
economic crisis than the one in 2008.

But, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seems to want a
hotter stock market.
Chinese media says China Banking Regulatory Commission
urgently issued a draft of Commercial Bank Financial Services
Supervision and Administration, allowing banks to open
independent securities account in name of financial products.
The draft encourages customers to invest
financial products in bonds and stocks.

Sina Finance said the continuous rise in stock market has
made bank financial funds eager to get into the stock market.
Some capital originally for financial products is
getting into the stock market now.

Mr. Deng, “There must be a big conspiracy. The market is
far away from the grassroot.
If the economic market is a beach, the stock market
is creating a mirage.
The state economic instruction, policy, and documents
largely influenced the stock market.
The scenery is always pretty before the storm comes.”

Institutions, retail, private equity, and every investor in the
stock market doesn’t want to lose again.
An investment manager of a large institution indicated that
they only care about the “major trend” now.
They go wherever the trend goes. He said it won’t be
too late to clear the stock when the trend changes.

However, foreign capital investors are not as
crazy as Chinese investors.
According to ANZ data, over $2.2 billion of foreign capital
was withdrawn from the China Equity Fund last week.
That makes it the biggest withdrawal in three years.

Interview & Edit/ LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu