【禁闻】铜锣湾清场 港人:清不走民主决心















14号晚是铜锣湾占领区的最后一夜,现场气氛极为热烈,民众在“我要真普选”的横幅上写满了祝福,“加油”、“We will be back”的字样随处可见,马路中央,则摆放着用气球扎成的“CY下台”装置。


采访/秦雪 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

Clear Out Causeway Bay But Not Democracy

Following the clearing of Mong Kok and Admiralty,
Hong Kong police cleared out the last occupation,
Causeway Bay, on Dec. 15.

Hong Kong Federation of Students Secretary General Alex
Chow stressed that the clearance is not the end
of the umbrella movement.

Hong Kong citizens also indicated that police clear out
the occupation, but not the determination for democracy.

At 9:30 a.m. on the 15th, Hong Kong Senior Superintendent
Kong Man-keung told media, it was the last chance for people
to leave on their own.

At around 10:00, police will seal off the occupied territories.

Anyone who leaves after that must register their personal
data, and may be held accountable in the future.
He stressed that any resistance to the clearance
will be subject to disperse and arrest.

At 9:46, police set up a mobile stage in front
of the Sogo department store, announcing
the final 30 minutes to pack personal belongings
and leave.
Traffic will be restored in Yee Wo Street at 10:00.

At 10:18, police sealed off Causeway.

A large number of special tactical squads began from
the side near Sogo by removing roadblocks with pincers.

At 11:00, major obstacles such as tents and umbrellas
were cleared.
At 11:10, trucks moved in to carry away the obstacles.

The cleaning crews quickly cleaned the ground and stickers
that read "I want real universal suffrage".

At 12:30, the police arrested the last 17 persons at the site,
including two senior citizens ages 90 and 78,
as well as Legislative Council Kenneth Chan
and Federation member Chen Juexuan.

A Ms. Feng was arrested first, followed by
the two senior citizens.
They did not fight the arrest,
but boarded the bus arranged by the police.
Many citizens at the scene paid their respects outside
of the sealed zone with opened yellow umbrellas.
The arrests were complete in 15 minutes,.

The last protestor in the Legislative Council also left
at 3:58 in the afternoon.

Associate Professor of Political Science, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Ma Ngok: "This is similar
to the clearance in Admiralty.

They believe it is time to switch to a different type of protest.
That's why there is not much resistance.
The protestors don't have a better way to force
the government to yield.
The problem was not solved even though it was cleared.

The trouble will only continue
for the Hong Kong Government."

Scholarism convener Joshua Wong indicated that another
occupy movement will surely take place next year since
the government was not willing to resolve the social split
or to conduct a dialogue.

Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies Center,
University of Hong Kong, Kevin Fu: "We don't see
any results, but I believe the influence is big to the society
and politics in the next few years.
Faced with so many different opinions,
the government will meet the challenge in the future.
This social movement will return.
It imposes certain stress on the government."

Apple Daily reported that the Federation and the Justice
Alliance launched the first wave of non-cooperation
movement on the 14th to express the displease towards
the government.
The activity such as "delaying rent and split taxes payment"
will be introduced in according to the parliament meeting
to pressure the government to step up on political reform.

Kevin Fu: "Political reform is scheduled for introduction
next year.
There is only a framework from
the National People's Congress.
Once the reform is introduced,
the opposition is anticipated to be big.
You could say the movement is yet to be finished."

Alex Chow described Occupy Central as "magnificent".

He stressed the movement has been successful because
it has awakened some of the Hong Kong people.
He anticipated many more people
will join the pursuit of democracy.

Ma Ngok: "This is an awakening to many people.

I also believe this is a very significant landmark
to the fight for democracy.
It has set the tone for civil disobedience
as a way of movement.
When the government could not deal with the crisis,
there'll only be more resistance."

On the last night Causeway Bay was occupied
the atmosphere was warm.
People wrote blessings on the stickers
such as "Keep going", "We will be back."
There were also many balloons arranged
to form “CY step down.”

People told Radio Free Asia that police can clear the scene,
but not the people who want the true universal suffrage.

Interview/QinXue Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Chen Jianming