












张健:“中共真正的威胁可能来自于党内和党外的结合,对于党内来说,其实就是烂到家了,无官不贪,对外来说,广大老百姓生活在水深火热之中, 人们有冤无处诉,有法不能依,有国也不能归,我相信每一个人都会想用各种的方式去推翻它。”



采访/易如 编辑/陈洁 后制/舒灿

New "Colour Revolution": Green Cards, Beautiful Maidens

The Hong Kong occupy central movement has been harshly
criticized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media, who
have from the beginning called it a "colour revolution".

But judging from a popular couplet in the mainland, China is
currently playing its own version of a "colour revolution"—
a black one by the corrupt Chinese officials.

The Voice of America reported that the Global Times
held its 2015 annual conference on Dec. 6th in Beijing.

One of their topics of discussion was,
"The Colour Revolution: How far is it from us?"

Prof. Wang Zhanyang from the Central Institute of Socialism
engaged in a verbal conflict with Maoists and army chiefs,
attracting much public attention.

Wang Zhangyang says the external colour revolution is not
a cause for concern; the true worry is that Zhou Yongkang,
Xu Caihou and other corrupt members have turned the CCP
from "red" into a "black Party"; stirring a "black revolution".

If Chinese society had integrity, and the government
was democratic, everyone would be wealthy,
and there would not be any fear of a colour revolution.

Intellectuals and activists are not a real cause for worry;
the worrisome ones are those "corrupt elements with guns".

Wang Zhanyang's speech was slammed by other speakers,
who cautioned against Western influence and interference.

They say the colour revolution is controlled by foreign forces
and aims to bring about political change, so is a real threat;
one must resolutely oppose this peaceful revolution.

Chen Minghui, Chinese Current Affairs Commentator:
"On a deeper level, they represent different factions;
the debate platform given by the Global Times is not just
a stage for a show, but also a display of power struggles."

"Of course, one must also recognize that
there are people with a conscience within the regime."

Zhang Jiang—a Chinese-American researching China's social
problems—believes Wang Zhangyang should stop looking at
Zhou Yongkang who has already fallen, and instead turn his
attention to the CCP.

Zhang: "Condemning Zhou Yongkang to show one's loyalty
to the Party Central Committee is a common phenomenon."

"Of course, it's natural for an academic to voice his own
views on the issue of corruption among the authorities,
but we should already have moved on from Zhou Yongkang
to look at Zeng Qinghong, Jiang Zemin and the rest of them."

"An academic should have the courage to step forward
and express his true concerns for the country’s future
and articulate people's concerns in the interest of justice."

Even though Wang Zhanyang's speech was sieged by
opposing voices, it is difficult to rebut him.

Recently, a couplet took storm on China's internet,
and is widely acknowledged to reflect the true situation.

It reads: "A dynasty of civil and military officials
hold green cards in secret; and keep beautiful maidens
in the other half of the country."

This neat couplet titled, "Colour Revolution", brings the two
phenomena of corruption—"naked officials" and "keeping
mistresses"—together, and uses clever wordplay
to summarize the social ills in China.

Zhang Jian, "This couplet is a true portrayal of the scene
among CCP officials, who are the so-called 'public servants'.

It also reflects the long-standing dissatisfaction and anger
that people feel towards the CCP, who direct national
resources into their own pockets and commit brazen
offences linked to money-making, power and the sex trade.

It's a way for people to vent their anger and frustration
that otherwise has no outlet for expression."

Chen Minghui: "This couplet also ridicules the totalitarian
and tyrannical regime that is the CCP."

"The government openly talks about being 'anti-America'
but officials secretly send their wives, children, mistresses,
concubines and assets to the U.S., Canada, Australia or

Europe, because they feel the western states are healthy,
legitimate countries with democracy and the rule of law."

"They only feel secure when their families and assets are
abroad; in China, they could lose everything overnight."

Radio France Internationale says the threat to the CCP
comes from within—the green cards and beautiful maidens
that the corrupt Chinese officials are so obsessed with
will be the true cause of a so called "colour revolution".

Zhang Jian: "The internal state of the Party is that it's rotten
to the core; there are arguably no clean officials."

"As for the public, a huge portion of the population is living
in dire straits with no avenues of appeal, no legal protection,
and I believe that everyone is thinking of all kinds of ways
to overthrow this regime."

Chen Minghui: "It's like a pressure cooker being subjected to
an ever increasing heat; even a second before it explodes,
observers and those who are not in the know may think that
everything is perfectly fine—but it could explode in a second,
just like how the Soviet Union collapsed."

Chinese historian Zhang Lifan recently wrote an article for
the Financial Times, saying that the biggest enemy to
the CCP was not "foreign forces" but the regime itself.

Party officials on all levels fell into the institutionalized
"Zhou Yongkang trap" and could not extricate themselves.

Was it the corrupt officials who destroyed the system,
or the corrupt system that created the corrupt officials?

While Zhou Yongkong is being dealt with by the law,
perhaps we should reflect on the system itself.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ShuCan