【禁闻】中共文化部长换人 背后有文章?


















采访/田净 编辑/李明飞 后制/葛雷

What is Behind the Substitution of the Minister of Culture?

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) People's
Congress passed a resolution to appoint the current
Deputy Minister of Propaganda Department, Luo Shugang
as the Deputy Minister of Culture.
Luo is to succeed Cai Wu, who has been in this position
for seven years.
Although 65-year-old Cai Wu is at retirement age, this
substitution caused the outside world to pay attention .
It happened just after the special inspections of
the Ministry of Culture.
It may be there is a meaning behind the sudden personnel
change in the propaganda system.
Let us take a look at the following analysis report.

On Dec. 28, the CCP Standing Committee meeting voted on
the appointment of the Central Propaganda Department
Deputy Minister Luo Shugang as the Minister of Culture.

Public information showed, Luo Shugang is 59-years-old,
originally from Hebei Nangong.
Luo served as director of political theory of the "Seeking
Truth" magazine, and deputy secretary general of the
Central Propaganda Department, which have long been
engaged in CCP ideology and propaganda work.

In 2000 Luo served as Deputy Secretary-General and
Deputy Minister of the Central Propaganda Department.
In 2008 he was Deputy Minister of the Propaganda
Department, at the same time as Office Director of
the Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee of the
CCP Central Committee Office.
He was elected as a member of the 18th CCP Central
Committee in 2012.

Luo was already a ministerial level official before
taking over the Minister of Culture.
This appointment is equivalent to his previous level.

Hong Kong "Ming Pao" believes the Minister of Culture is
usually taken by the Deputy Minister of Propaganda.
It ranks lower than the Deputy Minister of Propaganda.
Luo took over as Minister of Culture.
It likely means that he will step down the position of
Deputy Minister of the Central Propaganda Department;
His actual status is dismissed.

Huang Kunming is Vice Minister of Propaganda. He is
regarded as a confidant of Xi Jinping.
Huang will likely be promoted to Deputy Minister and
become the ministerial-level official.

Current affairs commentator Xing Tianxing, "Xi Jinping in
combating corruption is using anti-corruption to deal with
some of the negative equity from Jiang Zemin's faction.

He wants to remove those people who set up obstacles
in the fields of culture and cause corruption in all fields."

Luo's predecessor Cai Wu, was appointed as Minister of
Culture, Deputy Minister of the CCP Central Propaganda
Department in March 2008.

Previously, Cai Wu has also served as Deputy Minister of
International Department of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China and the State Council Information
Office and other duties.

The CCP official's brief report didn't explain why the staff
change happened at this time.
Cai Wu's career was not mentioned either.

Because Cai Wu is 65-years-old, the outside world speculated
it's because he has reached retirement age and will retire.

However, some analysts pointed out that the reasons behind
the sudden leave of Cai Wu, may not just be his age.

On Dec. 3, mainland major websites, suddenly published
news of a former CCP leader Jiang Zemin "Inspection visit
to the National Museum and the Inscription".

Strangely, this old news actually occurred on Oct. 3, and after
a lapse of two months, has now been reported.
Xinhua, People.cn and other central-level media did not
mention this matter.
According to the report, one of the officials that went
with Jiang Zemin on the visit to the museum was Cai Wu.

On Oct. 15, the incumbent general secretary of the CCP
Xi Jinping hosted a forum of the literary work in Beiing.
He cited many problems exist in mainland literary circles.

At that time there are comments that Xi's speech, is to
throw Liu Yunshan, in control of CCP propaganda and
Jiang faction Standing Committee, a heavy hammer.

When Cai Wu was deposed was the end of the month-long
tour of the special inspection of the Ministry of Culture.

According to "People's Daily" report on Nov. 29, the CCP
Central Committee officially launched the third round of
inspections. Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Environmental
Protection and China Radio International, are on the list.

The goal of the third round of inspections is determined
and finalized by Xi Jinping.

Current affairs commentator Xia Xiaoqiang believes Cai Wu's
resignation occurs after the forum of literary work, as well as
the commission visit to the Ministry of Culture. This should
not be a coincidence.

Current affairs commentator Xia Xiaoqiang, "After Xi Jinping
took down the big tiger Xu Caihou, he grasped the "gun";
Currently the greatest resistance to Xi is Jiang faction's
interest spokesman Liu Yunshan, in control of the "pen".
Now, the changes in the CCP propaganda system are the
actions against Liu Yunshan."
After the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)
were stationed at central level institutions including the
Central Propaganda Department, it seems Xi's control actions
program against Liu Yunshan has likely started.

Luo and Cai are co-workers for nine and a half years in the
Central Propaganda Department.
They both have a lot of common ground with Liu Yunshan.

How long can Luo sit in this seat of the Minister of Culture?
It is worth observing by the outside world.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Li Mingfei Post-Production/GeLei