












独立评论员张健:“ 现在我们最应该反思的一个问题,在任何的民主国家,如果是如此的高官,无论是周永康还是徐才厚还是现在的令计划,像这样的官员落马之后,那么谁来承担责任? 在中国出现如此大的犯罪行为,那么中国共产党所有的官员还依然掌控这个国家,这是我们应该反思。”


中国问题独立评论员李善鉴认为,要想认清中共本质,就参照《九评共产党》一书。《九评共产党》这本书是第一次系统的说明了“共产党是甚么” 。

采访/朱智善 编辑/黄亿美

In particular, some corrupt officials have been in the CCP
for many years, but they are still very greedy.

Independent commentator Zhang Jian: "Because the military
is commanded by the party, only after one joins the party

can one get benefit from it, and have the opportunity
to get promoted as well as a bright future.

Everything is guaranteed by the party.

So, without the guarantee from the party, one is nobody in the
military, and unlikely to get ahead with corruption at will."

US-based Chinese scholar Xie Xuanjun told Radio Free Asia,
that the Army Daily's article is meant to defend the party.

In addition, another significant sign is that Xi Jinping might
launch a big anti-corruption purge in the military.

Xie Xuanjun also said the corruption in the Chinese military
is so serious that it's beyond words.

It has become a business syndicate.

So, this kind of military is unable
to effectively defend the nation.

In this regard, Zhang Jian also commented that in China,
the party commands the military.

It has become the party's private property.
It is neither to serve the people, nor to defend the nation.

The military are only deployed when the party
needs the military to protect its interests.

Zhang Jian: "We can all see that the regime has been rotten
from the top to the bottom.

If one wants to launch an anti-corruption purge,
it would be better off to return the power to the people.

Only after allowing the people to have free elections,
returning the military to the nation, and letting the people
command the military, can China have a bright future.

To return the military to the people is the best way
to deal with the military."

Many netizens have posted their comments
on this article published by the Liberation Army Daily.

Some netizens said, "Nowadays, joining the party is similar
to holding a driver’s license.

It’s easy to find a CCP member anywhere.
When in school, many are struggling hard to join the party.

Some even get the party membership through nepotism
and influence peddling, etc. it's really disgusting."

A netizen nicknamed "American spirit" expressed on his blog:
"I've never thought of joining the CCP,
because I feel it too dirty and disgusting."

Beijing Spring's honorary editor Hu Ping told RFA that CCP
controls all the political, economic and all available resources
in China.

Anyone who wants to share a little of these resources
has no choice but to join the party;

So that they’ll get promoted, and also get involved in corruption.

Zhang Jian: "At present, the first question we should
contemplate is that in any country, if a high ranking official

like Zhou Yongkang, Xu Caihou or Ling Jihau is indicted,
who should take the responsibility for it?

Now that such serious crimes have occurred in the regime,
why is the CCP leadership still controlling the country?

This is what we should reflect on."

Independent China-issue commentator Li Shanjian:
"The purpose of joining the party is, in fact, to obtain personal

benefits and gain social status, because the regime is still
implementing such a communist dictatorial system."

Li Shanjian added that if one wants to be clear about the nature
of the CCP, one has to refer to the "Nine Commentaries
on the Communist Party."

It is the first book that systematically explains
"what the CCP is."

Interview & Edit/Zhu Zhishan Post-Production/Huang Yimei
