



物流公司老板携款跑路 商户堵路







Jan. 5, Monday
Rights Defending Acts

Let's look at the brave rights defending activities
of the repressed Chinese people.

Jiansanjiang Court Deliberately Violates The Law

The Jiansanjiang case, in which the authorities illegally put
four Falun Gong practitioners on trial,
has continued to cause concern.

According to a recent online post of lawyer Wang Quanzhang,
the officials told his client, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Yanxin,
that her lawyer had given up his defending attorney title
in the case.

She has to hire a new attorney in 15 days.

Without knowing better, Wang Yanxin signed the form
but stated in a footnote that she still desires to hire attorney
Wang Quanzhang.

This incident took place after the trial on Dec. 19, 2014.

The lawyer was only informed on the 4th when he had
a meeting with his client, Wang Yanxin.

Attorney Wang stated that it is a blatant lie of judge Wang
Jingjun who illegally canceled his right to defense,
but claimed that attorney Wang offered to give up the defense.

Large Logistics Company Owner Flees with Money

One the largest logistics companies of Taiyuan City,
Shanxi Province, suddenly shut down.
The owner absconded with 100 million yuan.

Nearly one thousand merchants surrounded the company
and blocked the traffic trying to get their money and
shipments back.

Many protesting merchants were arrested.

Recently, four other logistics companies in Taiyuan City
have experienced the same thing, the owners ran away
with the money, varying between 20 million
and 40 million yuan.

Multiple Taxi Strike Incidents in China

On Jan. 4, multiple taxi strikes took place in China.

In Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, thousands of taxi drivers
went on strike to protest against rampant unregistered taxis
and the abolition of fuel surcharges on the customers.

Dozens of taxi drivers were arrested.

Likewise, hundreds of taxi drivers also went on strike and
gathered in front of city hall Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province.
In Henan Province, hundreds of taxi drivers protested
at Xinyang City Hall.

Nearly 1,000 Falun Gong Practitioners Held in Black Jails in 2014

Minghui.org reported on Jan. 4 that nearly 1,000 Falun Gong
practitioners were known to be jailed in 2014.
These illegally arrested, tried and sentenced Falun Gong
practitioners have been kept in 158 black jails throughout China.
Due to the information blockade and many other reasons,
this is just a small portion of the largely unknown in the brutal
persecution campaign of the Communist regime.

More data is yet to be revealed.