【禁闻】港启动第二轮政改谘询 泛民抗议

【新唐人2015年01月08日讯】港启动第二轮政改谘询 泛民抗议












HK Announce Sham Political Reform Consultations,Pan-Democracy Protest

January 7, the Hong Kong Government announced the launch
of second round of consultations regarding the 2017
Chief Executive Election.

The Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong
Government, Carrie Lam read the policy statement entitled:
"Don't Miss it" that day in the Legislative Council.

In the statement Mrs Lam accused the previous umbrella
campaign of disturbing the social order and stressed that the
People's Congress decision cannot be withdrawn.

During Mrs Lam’s speech, the 27 Pan-Democrats collectively
left by holding up yellow umbrellas and shouting: I want a real

This halted the meeting.

Pan Democracy Members said they would veto the reform
package submitted by the Government.

However, the lawmakers said their boycott plan does not help.

Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) Will Probably
Re-initiate the Occupation Campaign

Deputy Secretary General of the HKFS Lester Shum told
Media outside the Legislative Council:
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) People's Congress's
framework has completely killed off the political arena for
genuine universal suffrage.

HKFS won't actively participate even if they are consulted 200
or 2000 times.
He said they will focus on requesting Pan Democrats to fight
against the reform package in the Legislative Council.

Lester Shum also said that the HKFS will discuss the next step
with the other organizations without excluding another Occupy Movement.

Burmese Protest at Chinese Embassy in USA

January 3, concerned protesters demonstrated against the copper
mine in Burma managed by China Wanbao Mining Co. outside
the Chinese embassy in US.

The copper mine they allege has caused the death of a villager.

The protesters held up banners, shouted slogans and
requested the truth to bring the perpetrators to justice.

December 22, the conflict, caused by a land dispute occoured at
Laibi copper mine, invested by Wanbao in Burma.

A 50-year-old woman was killed in the conflict and several
injured. It is not clear whether the police or the mine security
fired the fatal shot.

According to the Voice of America report, the protesters
requested the Chinese government to stop the killing behavior
in Myanmar.

The lady protester, Matar said:

that if the Chinese Government continues to seize the land from
the Burmese farmers, they will take a case against
Wanbao Company to the International Criminal Court.

Edit/Zhou Yulin