前香港《南华早报》驻北京记者汤姆.考斯基(Tom Korski)日前披露,加拿大国家图书馆和档案馆,最近解密了一批电传文件,其中包括大量有关1989年“六四事件”中,中共在北京天安门广场屠杀学生的内容。
June 4, Archives: Canadian Diplomat Worried About Invasion of Embassy
Former Hong Kong South China Morning Post reporter in Beijing Tom
Korski disclosed recently that:
telexes were released by the National Library and Archives in Canada,
exposing the student massacred by the Chinese authorities in Beijing
Tiananmen Square in the 1989 June Fourth Incident.
According to a Voice of America report, the fear from the declassified
documents makes the Canadian diplomats worry about the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP)’s military invasion of the Canadian Embassy.
These documents compiled by Canadian Embassy officials describe the
tragic situations that occoured after the CCP’s military shootings in
Beijing at that time.
The documents describe public executions, as well as the dragging of
corpses from a section of the Beijing Canal.
The decrypted messages also record the shocking corruption at the CCP
highest levels.
The messages claim that, before the massacre, each Politburo Standing
Committee had consulted the Ambassador of Switzerland about how to
transfer huge amounts of money to Swiss banks.
Freedom House: China is Listed as a Not Free Country Again
January 28, Headquartered in New York, an international human rights
organization Freedom House released the annual global democratic
freedom report.
In the report, China is listed as a Not-Free country according to political
rights and civil freedom status.
The China part of the report said that, in the last year, the Chinese
authorities strengthened the suppression of civil society;
and especially increased extrajudicial detentions of dissidents and
minorities significantly.
Beijing Activist Released After a Hundred Days Rendition
January 28, Mainland lawyer Zhang Lei posted on the micro-news that
the head of the Beijing Transition Institute, Huang Kaiping is just released
home after 110 days of abduction.
His wife Zhou Qinghui said that during the 110 days disappearance, they
received no legal documents and had no response to inquiries
from the authorities.
It’s said that Huang Kaiping doesn’t know where he was detained
during more than100 days.
Huang Kaiping’s enforced disappearance attracted concern globally.
The Transition Institute is a private think tank registered as a
civil enterprise.
The founder Guo Yushan was involved in the rescue of the blind lawyer
Chen Guangcheng.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
前香港《南华早报》驻北京记者汤姆.考斯基(Tom Korski)日前披露,加拿大国家图书馆和档案馆,最近解密了一批电传文件,其中包括大量有关1989年“六四事件”中,中共在北京天安门广场屠杀学生的内容。
June 4, Archives: Canadian Diplomat Worried About Invasion of Embassy
Former Hong Kong South China Morning Post reporter in Beijing Tom
Korski disclosed recently that:
telexes were released by the National Library and Archives in Canada,
exposing the student massacred by the Chinese authorities in Beijing
Tiananmen Square in the 1989 June Fourth Incident.
According to a Voice of America report, the fear from the declassified
documents makes the Canadian diplomats worry about the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP)’s military invasion of the Canadian Embassy.
These documents compiled by Canadian Embassy officials describe the
tragic situations that occoured after the CCP’s military shootings in
Beijing at that time.
The documents describe public executions, as well as the dragging of
corpses from a section of the Beijing Canal.
The decrypted messages also record the shocking corruption at the CCP
highest levels.
The messages claim that, before the massacre, each Politburo Standing
Committee had consulted the Ambassador of Switzerland about how to
transfer huge amounts of money to Swiss banks.
Freedom House: China is Listed as a Not Free Country Again
January 28, Headquartered in New York, an international human rights
organization Freedom House released the annual global democratic
freedom report.
In the report, China is listed as a Not-Free country according to political
rights and civil freedom status.
The China part of the report said that, in the last year, the Chinese
authorities strengthened the suppression of civil society;
and especially increased extrajudicial detentions of dissidents and
minorities significantly.
Beijing Activist Released After a Hundred Days Rendition
January 28, Mainland lawyer Zhang Lei posted on the micro-news that
the head of the Beijing Transition Institute, Huang Kaiping is just released
home after 110 days of abduction.
His wife Zhou Qinghui said that during the 110 days disappearance, they
received no legal documents and had no response to inquiries
from the authorities.
It’s said that Huang Kaiping doesn’t know where he was detained
during more than100 days.
Huang Kaiping’s enforced disappearance attracted concern globally.
The Transition Institute is a private think tank registered as a
civil enterprise.
The founder Guo Yushan was involved in the rescue of the blind lawyer
Chen Guangcheng.
Edit/Zhou Yulin