【禁闻】方正、政泉恶斗 政治后台引关注























采访/陈汉 编辑/李明飞 后制/钟元

Political Bosses Under Spotlight During Fight
Between Founder Group and Zhengquan Holdings

What was once a compatible relationship, tensions have arisen
between "Founder Securities", Founder Group
and Beijing Holdings,

Since last November, the war of words from the listed
company announcements, Weibo and Wechat has extended
its news in to traditional financial media,
involving many Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials,
as well as huge interests between all parties.

The ongoing escalation of fighting between the two sides,
seems to have entered a strange area,
one of "Perishing Together".

The battles between Founder and Zhengquan Holdings,
is mainly the competition for the board seats
of public listed security broker "Founder Securities".

Since early November of last year, Zhengquan Holdings started
to publicly report,
executives of Peking University Founder Group Company,
are suspected of insider trading, the two sides have exposed
the weaknesses of each other, which is startleing.

Jan. 5, Founder published an announcement that the company
board chairman Wei Xin, CEO Li You, and CFO Yu Li,
have since Jan.4 been required to assist in investigations
by relevant government agencies.
In addition, the younger brother of Li You and
Vice President Li Guojun, was also taken away
for investigation.

In fact, Dec 24 of last year, Zhengquan Holdings issued
a statement detailing police had arrested Founder executives:

The statement says: "From the evening of Dec. 18, to early
morning of Dec 19, assisted by armed regimental police,
the public security suddenly raided the Lakeview Hotel
of Peking University where Wei Xin, Li You
and Li Guojun stayed, looking to make arrests."

The statement also said, Founder CEO Li You had brought
triad members to clash with the police.
Li You escaped with the help of the underworld, whereas triad
members are hiding in the hotel,
including some of Founder executives such as Wei Xin
and Li Guojun, who are all controlled by the police.

Political commentator Zhang Litian: "Founder Group
is a state-owned enterprise, such chaebols (business families)
in the past were Jiang Zemin´s faction.

Now Xi Jinping has taken power. If he wants to govern,
he will have to purge all existing interests groups
in terms of the CCP, government, military,
and economy etc.
So the largest interest group is Jiang Zemin´s faction.
This is an obvious continuation of infighting."

However, Founder admitted four former executives
were taken away, but the company still issued a
statement accusing Zhengquan Holdings for slander
and threatening behaviour towards high rank executives.

A newsletter published, stated that recipient microletter,
e-mail and whereabouts have been all monitored.

The writer also claimed that the CCP issued a "to listen to my
orders" threat, while a minister level official set about trashing
their titles and reputations, which could lead to the loss of their
homes. Their lives could be under threat too.

Beijing Political watchers Hua Po: "This involves
the distribution of interests, and they are interest-based.
Of course, if there is a divergence of interests,
they are likely to turn against each other."

Political commentator Zhang Litian: "The internal strife,
vicious competition between each chaebol and the consortium
etc, this is the norm, and nothing new.

You fight against me and I fight against you.

Currently, till now, we can only say, either Xi Jinping
or Central Discipline Inspection Commission (CDIC).
They just utilised the contradictions among
Xi Jinping and CDIC."

At present, the authorities have not released the reasons
Founder executives were taken away for investigation.

As the focus of Founder Securities, which the two sides
are competing for now, published an announcement on
Jan. 22, that contact was lost between Chairman Reggie,
the company´s management are facing disruption.

In addition, "Tencent Finance" cited anonymous sources
for disclosing that, Guo Wengui, the actual controller of Holding,
was caught in Italy and sent back to China to assist
in the investigations.

Although the Zhengquan media spokesman denied this.
According to a report of RFI (Radio France Int.),
contact has so far been unsuccessful while trying to reach
relevant speakers.

Guo Wengui in Beijing is well known for his dealings
in constructing the dragon-shaped 7-Star Hotel "Pangu Plaza" .
He was, in 2014, ranked at 74th richest person in the
"Hurun Richest Person Ranking List".
His wealth is estimated to be a staggering 15.5 billion yuan
(US$ 240 million).

During the rise of the business empire of Guo Wengui,
he faces disputes and report claims.
Mainland "Finance" magazine revealed that former
Standing Committee of Henan Province of CCP, Zhengzhou
Municipal CCP Head and Deputy Mayor of Beijing City,
were all confined to jail due to the report of Guo Wengui.

Overseas "Boxun Network" revealed the collapse of Deputy
Minister of State Security Ma Jian,
who came to know Li You through Guo Wengui,
and accepted 250 million RMB in bribes.
The transaction process was in "Pangu Plaza". In addition,
Ma Jian also accepted two sets of houses,
each worth tens of millions provided by Guo Wengui.

Hua Po: "Such Chinese companies have won huge success
with huge earnings. If they don´t develop relationships
with the officials, they might not be so successful."

"Bloomberg" reported that Zhengquan accusing Founder
is related to the office director of the CCP
Central Committee Lui Jihua.

Currently Lui Jihua is subject to corruption investigations.

The report believes such disputes, allows the international
world to fully recognise how much affect and impact
high level authorities in China have on business.

Those political backgrounds who helped to develop companies,
might also face the prospect of becoming a negative equity.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/Li Mingfei Post-Production/ZhongYuan