【禁闻】明报近百员工搁笔 抗议总编换头条


《明报》职工协会2号发出声明,指《明报》2号头条原定为“加国密件记录学生目击六四开枪”,但总编辑钟天祥1号深夜近11点,突然推翻编辑部高层的集体决定,并不顾多名编辑部同事的力争,坚持把头条改为“ 阿里巴巴10亿助港青创业”,令人愤怒。












采访陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/周天

Ming Pao Employees Strike Against New Editor-in-Chief’s
Removing Report of Tiananmen Massacre From Headline.

Chong Tien-siong, Hong Kong Ming Pao’s new editor in chief,
issued an order to remove an article uncovering inside stories
of the Tiananmen Square Massacre from it’s front page.

The incident continues as nearly a hundred Ming Pao staff
went on a one-hour strike against Chong’s decision on Feb.3.
Chong announced late that night, that as editor-in-chief he
has both authority and responsibility to make article changes.
However, analysts said there are likely backstage bosses
behind Chong’s move.
They are putting Hong Kong’s freedom of the press in danger.

Ming Pao’s staff association announced on Feb.2 that, the
newspaper should have published a front page article titled
“Canada’s Secret Documents Record Student Witnesses of
Firing during June Fourth Crackdown” for that days’ edition.

However, the new chief-in-editor Chong Tien-siong abruptly
decided to replace the front page story with another one
titled "Alibaba Donates 1 Billion HKD to Support Hong Kong
Young People Setting up Their Own Businesses".
In making the decision, Chong ignored opposing views from
the entire editorial staff, who were consequently upset.

On the evening of Feb. 3, over 80 Ming Pao employees held
a one-hour strike in front of the newspaper office.
Employees put up newspaper pages with the June Fourth
article on the wall of the Ming Pao building.
They held slogans protesting about Chong Tien-siong, and
lifted and laid pens on the ground symbolising "stop writing".

Ming Pao staff association spokesperson Xian Yunji loudly
read out a statement.
The statement said that Ming Pao staff can no longer keep
silent as this happens;
Although one person has very limited strength, if everyone
unites they can stop things like this from happening again.

Ms. Xian hoped Chong would respond to Ming Pao staff
quickly about why he made the title change.

Late on Feb. 3, Chong Tien-siong made an announcement on
Ming Pao’s express news website.
Chong stated that he had authority and responsibility to
make article changes. Chong further commented that,
replacing the June Fourth article with the Alibaba report
is to execute his power following the logic of reportage.

Tsai Yung-mei, executive editor of Hong Kong Open
Magazine, "It is true that he has that authority.
However, if what you did is to replace a headline report with
a less important one, then there is bias behind the move.
For example, Phoenix Television ignored or played down
many big incidents in Hong Kong.
So this is complete bias, as someone is hiding behind the
scenes to suppress freedom of the press."

Board member of the Ming Pao staff association Qin
Chunjian told Radio Free Asia that, the association is
extremely disappointed at Chong’s ignorance of the
entire editorial staff decision.
Qin said, the incident destroys mutual trust as well as
the newspaper’s long-term editorial system.
It causes concern from staff over their future work style.

Tsai Yung-mei, "Hong Kong is seriously infiltrated by the
mainland’s Communist Regime in its freedom of the press.
On the other hand, Hong Kong media workers never stop
their resistance.
I think the situation will not change as both sides have no
intention to compromise.
Of course, for those bosses out of the party’s control, the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will use indirect ways to
suppress them. For example, the owner of Apply Daily was
sued for publicly supporting the Occupy Central movement."

The Hong Kong Journalists Association and Hong Kong
Alliance both condemned Chong’s headline change decision.
The Alliance questioned if Chong intended to dodge talking
about the truth of the June Fourth Incident by the move;
Were there backstage bosses involved in the incident?

Tsoi Yiu-Cheong, vice chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance,
"The previous afternoon, Ming Pao’s editorial meeting made
the collective decision to put the June fourth article onto the
headline. Chong attended the meeting but said nothing.
So it is reasonable to speculate that something
happened after the meeting.
Maybe some outsiders gave Chong some orders forcing him
to make the title change despite all other editors’ opinions."

Tsoi Yiu-Cheong, "I have a feeling that someone is supporting
Chong behind the scenes. There should be backstage bosses.
The owner of newspaper is also relevant, as Ming Pao’s
current owner has business connections with mainland China.

I definitely believe the Liaison Office has played a role in the
incident because Ming Pao’s standpoint on Occupy Central
was closer to the Hong Kong public than the CCP."

Media reports revealed that Chong Tien-siong used to be
the foreign editor of Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao and editor
in chief of Malaysia’s Nanyang Business Daily.

Chong reportedly has close ties with Ming Pao’s board
chairman Tiong Hiew King, a Malaysian Chinese entrepreneur.

Claudia Mo, once a journalist and Hong Kong Legislative
Council member from the Civil Party, commented on this.
Mo said, Chong’s abrupt headline change is a key signal that
Hong Kong news media is controlled by the CCP.
It follows the dismissal and assault of former Ming Pao
editor in chief Kevin Lau.
Self-censorship of Hong Kong media is more often seen and
Hong Kong’s press freedom is in great danger now, said Mo.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhouTian