【禁闻】不再“有惊无险” 武长顺被双开















采访/编辑/尚燕 后制/钟元

Wu Changshun Is No Longer Lucky

Feb. 13, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)
announced a series of officials punished for corruption.
For instance, former Tianjin Public Security Bureau chief,
Wu Changshun, received double expulsion due to severe
violation of discipline and law.

Also sacked are former deputy director of Heilongjiang
Province People's Congress, Sui Fengfu,
and former party secretary of Henan Province People's
Congress, Qin Yuhai.
Other than the corruption,
these officials have something in common.

CCDI website released that Wu Changshun was expelled
from the party and the government post
for serious violation of discipline and law.

He was said to show no restraint in his serious
misconduct even after the 18th National Congress.

The downfall of Wu Changshun last July 20 made him
the first official sacked at provincial and ministerial level
after the 18th National Congress.

Looking at his 44 year police career, he has been lucky.

Back in early 1992, Wu was arrested for soliciting prostitutes.

He was personally rescued by then deputy mayor of Tianjin,
Song Pingshun, from Nankai police station.
Soon after, Wu was promoted to head of Transport Management
of the Tianjin Public Security Bureau.

Of his two old bosses: former Attorney General of Tianjin,
Li Baojin received a reprieve in 2006,
and Song Pingshun committed suicide in 2007.

Wu was also said to receive double expulsion.

But, four years later, he resurfaced and became vice chairman
of Tianjin Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
and head of the Public Security Bureau.

Following his downfall, Caixin media reported that
Wu Changshun had escaped previous investigation
due to the protection of Zhou Yongkang with the excuse
of "maintaining security for the Beijing Olympic Games."

This "shelter" from Zhou Yongkang hides bloodier reasons
as revealed by international organizations and media.

Commentator Xia Xiaoqiang: "Wu Changshun is just like
the other Communist officials.
Their promotions have been mainly related to their active roles
in following Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong.
The other two sacked officials, Sui Fengfu and Qin Yuhai,
also received double expulsion for the same reason, corruption.
But they all share one thing in common.

They have been the core members actively pursuing
Jiang's persecution campaign against Falun Gong."

When Song Pingshun and Wu Changshun were both in charge
of the Tianjin public security system, the 10,000 Falun Gong
practitioners' peaceful petition at Zhongnanhai took place
on April 25, 1999.
Known as the 4.25 Incident, it became one of the excuses
for the persecution of Falun Gong.
The petition, as many participants recall, was caused by the
violent arrest of practitioners by Tianjin Public Security Bureau.
Song Pingshun was the key player as the party secretary
of Tianjin People's Consultative Conference.
Wu Changshun was then deputy party secretary
and deputy director of Tianjin Public Security Bureau.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "Wu Changshun was the key figure
in manipulating the 4.25 Incident.
His superior, then Municipal Public Security Bureau director
Song Pingshun was a main follower of Luo Gan,
then Politburo party secretary.

Together, they plotted and framed Falun Gong practitioners
into the so-called "surrounded Zhongnanhai incident"."

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun
Gong (WOIPFG) identified as early as 2004
both Wu Changshun and Song Pingshun's crimes
in the torture of Falun Gong practitioners.

WOIPFG spokesman Dr. Wang Zhiyuan: "In Wu Changshun's
long career in the public security of Tianjin,
the persecution there was very severe.

Especially around 2003 when live organ harvesting peaked,
the Tianjin Transplant Center and the Tianjin Armed Police
General Hospital were the units found to be most actively
and seriously involved in live organ harvesting."

Beijing News reported last November that since the 2012
18th National Congress, 23 public security officials
have been sacked.

Another provincial and ministerial level official sacked
was Li Dongsheng, director of the 610 Office.

Why couldn't Wu Changshun continue to be the lucky one?

Xia Xiaoqiang comments that Xi Jinping's anti-graft campaign
has been targeting Jiang Zemin's faction.
The majority of them actively joined in the persecution
of Falun Gong.
Even though the Communist regime continues its rule,
and the persecution machinery also continues its operation,
Jiang Zemin is no longer capable of sheltering his followers.

Interview & Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ZhongYuan