综合媒体报导,失联木制渡轮“布提拉维号”(MV Butiraoi)于本月18日由诺诺乌蒂环礁(Nonouti island)出发,原本预计20日就应抵达比修岛(Betio)。
新西兰官员艾希比(John Ashby)稍早曾表示,“渡轮出发前曾修理传动轴,这可能影响了航行”。
今(28)日,新西兰防御部队(New Zealand Defence Force)一架猎户式(Orion)军机在太平洋中部发现载有7人的小艇在海上漂流。随即联络在小艇东北方92公里处的一艘渔船驰援,预计今天下午就可以接到这些幸存者。
NEWS || The @NZAirForce P-3K2 Orion has found seven survivors from a ferry with 50 people on board that was reported missing in Kiribati a week ago. MORE: https://t.co/T0kk6obznJ pic.twitter.com/2bLv9xoAcl
— NZ Defence Force (@NZDefenceForce) 2018年1月28日
UPDATE || A Minimum Aid Delivery Device has been dropped from the Orion containing water & a radio to the dinghy. Comms has been attempted but could not ascertain origin. 55% of the search area is now complete. Orion holds position overhead & people onboard, waiting for vessel. pic.twitter.com/HTH5vpkNFO
— NZ Defence Force (@NZDefenceForce) 2018年1月28日
Imagery that was taken from the @NZAirForce P-3K2 Orion as the fishing vessel picked up the seven survivors from a ferry with 50 people on board that was reported missing in Kiribati a week ago. The Orion crew found the dinghy earlier today: https://t.co/T0kk6obznJ#Force4Good pic.twitter.com/ADGcGa6ivk
— NZ Defence Force (@NZDefenceForce) 2018年1月28日