生死存亡之秋,我们 谨此 辅助起草,并奉上《香港己亥宣言》中英版本各一则;冀望身处立法会之义士替香港人读出本宣言,为香港未来定下蓝图。
1. 谨代表香港人民宣誓,香港人民将以追求及保护其生而俱来之权利为己任,包括所有天赋自由、公民及政治权利,及真正代表港人之政治制度。
2. 现行社会约法失效、倒行逆施,须由港人重新修订香港宪法,确切落实港人治港高度自治,中华人民共和国除国防及外交事务以外不得干预香港内政事务。
3. 行政、立法机关腐败不堪,政权爪牙协助中华人民共和国政府及其下机构干预香港经济及政治事务,违反基本法,相关人士无法代表港人,必须立即辞职。
4. 废除一切侵犯基本人权之基本法条文及法例,包括修改基本法并废除第二十三条之条文。政府亦应当捍卫其管治威信,为基本法第二十二条进行立法。
5. 进行政制改革以捍卫港人利益及权利,以香港人利益及权利为唯一施政依归。
6. 有见及此,政府应立即重启政改,必须落实彰显民主精神之行政长官普选及全面普选立法会。
7. 政府必须立即无条件释放相关被捕示威者及政治犯,包括但不限于雨伞运动、旺角鱼蛋革命、反送中一连串示威被捕人士,并保证不予追究。
8. 政府必须承诺设立独立调查警队部门及独立监察委员会,以达至监控警务人员执行职务之效,同时追究失职警方以不当武力镇压示威者,警务处处长须为失职问责下台,警队必须向全港市民致歉。
9. 无限感激所有为香港未来付出鲜血和生命的人民英雄,要求立法将7月2日定为香港法定纪念日及定为港殇日,毋忘香港血色六月、七月。
1. We swear on behalf of Hongkongers, that we take it as our duty to pursue and defend the basic rights and liberties of Hongkongers, including all freedoms, civil and political rights, and a political system that is truly for Hongkongers.
2. Hongkongers must rewrite the Hong Kong Constitution and implement a high degree of autonomy and the rule by Hongkongers, as the current social contract has already been rendered ineffective. The government of the People’s Republic of China should be prohibited from intervening in the internal affairs of Hong Kong, except for national defense and diplomatic affairs, as codified.
3. The Executive and Legislative institutions are corrupt. The lackeys to the authority have been assisting and abetting the People’s Republic of China and its designated organizations to intervene in Hong Kong’s economic and political affairs, which is in direct violation to the Basic Law. The aforesaid lackeys and related parties cannot represent Hongkongers and should resign immediately.
4. To abolish all laws and legislation that infringe upon basic human rights by amending the Basic Law and Ordinances of Hong Kong, including the abolishment of Article 23 of the Basic Law. The Hong Kong Government should also defend its authority by legislating into law the restrictions imposed by Article 22 of the Basic Law.
5. Enact political reforms to protect the interests and rights of Hongkongers and to place only the interests and rights of Hongkongers as the main objective of all policies.
6. Therefore, the Hong Kong Government should immediately reactivate political reforms to implement universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the whole of the Legislative Council in order to achieve genuine democracy.
7. The Hong Kong Government must immediately release all detained protesters and political prisoners without condition, including but not limited to those arrested during the Umbrella Movement, Fishball Revolution, Anti-Extradition Law Protests. The Government must guarantee that it would not persecute them in the future.
8. The Hong Kong Government must appoint an independent committee to inquire into the excessive use of force by the Police on protestors against the extradition bill. The Chief Commissioner of Police must step down for his incompetence. The Hong Kong Police must make a formal apology to Hongkongers.
9. We are forever in debt to the heroes whose blood has been shed for the future of Hong Kong. We request for the establishment of a remembrance day on the Second of July in memory of Hong Kong’s bloody June and July.

──转自《 香港众志》Facebook