Statement by New Tang Dynasty TV


2 September 2005

Thanks to the strong worldwide efforts of our viewers and supporters of free information, NTDTV will broadcast over Asia for many years to come. After extended negotiations, NTDTV has concluded the necessary agreements to guarantee the long-term transmission of our independent programming on Eutelsat's W5 satellite.

This marks a historic breakthrough in establishing international content standards, not "the Chinese Communist Party's censorship standards" as the measure of what millions of viewers in China and across Asia may see and hear via satellite. This also creates a new milestone for the global media and satellite industries to broadcast freely to Asia including to mainland China.

We welcome this renewed historic partnership with Eutelsat, based on the company's core principles of non-discrimination, equal access, and respect for pluralism. We are confident that this commitment will be appreciated and rewarded by the supporters of free media everywhere.

NTDTV is honored to exercise the internationally-guaranteed right of any broadcaster anywhere to transmit its content to any audience, anywhere in the world. As citizens of many countries, we at NTDTV have learned once more the importance and the power of the vital rights we rely on every day, rights which are still denied to so many: freedom of expression, information, and belief.

To NTDTV's viewers and supporters: Today's NTDTV would not exist without you. Tomorrow's NTDTV is possible because of you. We know that the Chinese Communist regime refuses to tolerate the free flow of information to and from the citizens of China, and will spare no effort as before to block this flow as long as it can. NTDTV will continue to rely on your strong support to consolidate and develop this free satellite window in the Asian sky.

The new parameters of NTDTV are as follows:

Frequency: 11,334 MHz

Polarization: Vertical

Symbol Rate: 9.766 MSps

FEC: 1/2
