
【新唐人2009年11月5日電】上週,卡爾加裡一名25歲男子由於H1N1病毒併發症而死亡。該名男子名叫Jonathan Evan Harris,在教堂工作,上週四病逝於Rockyview General醫院。

到現在為止,省內共計上報14例病毒感染死亡病例。阿爾伯塔省衛生醫療服務機構尚在對其死亡原因的調查之中,根據相關法律在官方公布之前,我們還不能增加 H1N1病毒致死病例的人數。該機構尚未將事情的詳細情況對公眾做以解釋。Jonathan Evan Harris的家人也拒絕談論他的死亡,對此我們表示理解,對於剛剛失去家人的家庭成員來說,他們的心靈遭受了很大的創傷。


CALGARY - A 25-year-old Calgary man who was dedicated to church and worked at Shaw Cable has died from complications of the H1N1 virus, his family said Monday.

Jonathan Evan Harris died Thursday at the Rockyview General Hospital.

Alberta Health Services won't confirm Harris died from H1N1, citing privacy laws, but they did announce Friday that an adult male from the Calgary area had died from the swine flu.

There have been 14 deaths in Alberta from H1N1. Harris's family declined to comment on their son's death. "Everyone is just traumatized," said his mom, Elizabeth Harris, suggesting details could be found in his obituary, which was published in Monday's Herald.

"Although his life was cut short, it was lived with gentleness, kindness, joy, quiet humour, wit, richness, integrity, and pure love," the tribute said.

Harris was also very active in his faith. His youth pastor, Sindy Jeske, said Harris was always a great man--even in his youth.

"One of my favourite qualities about him was his desire to be a true gentleman. This is such a rare characteristic," she said in an e-mail. "He went out of his way to treat people with dignity and respect."

Harris's funeral will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at St. George's Anglican Church, 244 Templemont Dr. N.E.