【禁聞】中共控制護照簽證 律師:善待人民












《血腥的器官摘取 》作者大衛麥塔斯,曾調查過法輪功學員在中國的真實處境。據他披露,那些批評中共政府人權的學者,尤其是批評中共對待法輪功態度的學者,是不會獲得進入中國的簽證。








China Control Passports and Visas on Dissidents

Recently, more and more Chinese stood up to reveal
the fact that the Chinese regime refused its citizens
to leave or enter China. This draws the international
attention. Does a government have the right to refuse
issuing or confiscate passports? What are the purpose
of Chinese authorities』 controlling passport and visa?
What is the CCP』s third-country visa cancellation and
restrictions for? Let』s take a look at what
an international lawyer has to say.

Mr. Zhou, an overseas Chinese, 71, passed by Chinese
Consulate in New York on April 11, seeing members of
the China Christian Democratic Party and some other
Chinese in New York gathering to protest
the Chinese Communist persecution of human rights,
including protest against CCP』s using passports and
visas to persecute Chinese nationals. He immediately
shared his experiences. After he came to the U.S. at
a young age, he could not get a Chinese passport.
It is his life-long pain to have no national identity.

Christian Democrat Zhou Biping in New York had his
passport renewal denied in May 2009 by Chinese
consulate in New York, and his Chinese passport was

Zhou: “He said, 『I can』t tell you the reasons either, please go
back, and the passport could not be given to you.』"

U.S. State Department recently released the
2010 World Human Rights Report, noting Chinese
authorities refused entry or exit of their citizens, and
blocked overseas dissidents, human rights activists to
return to homeland China. Those will face detention
and imprisonment once they enter China.

U.S. professional attorney Peter Gordon with 21 years
experience, believes that the Chinese authorities have
no right to refuse to issue passports to Chinese citizens.

“In any case, let them have a passport, so that they
can go to Europe or other countries, can make money
to make a living and raise their families. But now
China's refusal to issue passports, pushing them into
a desperate condition, especially if they are not in US,
and do not have a more relaxed environment to apply
for asylum. So I can』t concur with their current practice.”

Gordon has been helping a large number of Chinese
Christians and Falun Gong practitioners over years.
He found the CCP refused to issue passports as a
penalty to punish those who openly oppose it.
He found it difficult to understand such a
harsh, cruel way.

“It is very difficult for me to understand the idea of
the CCP. In the U.S., we have laws and proper procedures.
If you screwed up, you have to face the prosecution of
your people, but you can challenge and confront.
So I am very confusing that a regime can actually
control citizens』 entry and exit of China by controlling
their passport.”

Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Jun, currently living in
Japan, is the only son of his parents. He could not join
his parents for over 8 years, because his parents are
also Falun Gong practitioners. In 2010, when his
parents went to Foreign Affairs Office in Yingtan,
Jiangxi Province to apply for passports, they were
asked to write a statement to denounce Falun Gong
before a passport can be issued.

Zhang Jun exposed on the Epoch Times the passport
application form of his parents. In the "Department
or Police Station Comments" column it read: "They
are within five kinds of situations which are not
allowed to leave China, Falun Gong practitioners, so
report to higher authorities for approval.”

Author of Bloody Organ Harvesting David Matas
has investigated the real situation of Falun Gong
practitioners in China. According to his disclosure,
scholars who criticize Chinese government on human
rights, especially on the treatment of Falun Gong,
will not get a visa to enter China.

He believes that the CCP does this to “control the power.
They determine who should be allowed into China,
or who should be allowed out of China. These are all
measured by the interests of the CCP.』

Among the Communist control of Chinese is another
category that limits or abolishes the “3rd country visa.”
“Third country visa” means foreigners can go to their
consulates in other countries to apply their
non-immigrant visa, and do not need to go to original
resident place for a visa. The CCP signed contracts with
a large number of Western countries on “3rd country
visa cancellation and restrictions”, so that for
Chinese in the country of current visa, if they want to
go to a third country , they must return to mainland
China to apply for a visa.

The CCP canceled or refused citizens』 passport extension
as punishment, making them trapped in a third
country and becoming the country's problem. These
countries should learn from the U.S. to give them asylum,
or stand up to pressure the Chinese regime to issue
a passport to them so that they can go to other countries.

According to independent media Epoch Times,
during this session, what controls Chinese is
the terror of "You could not escape my palm
wherever you are” created by the CCP. Meanwhile,
these articles revealed the CCP』s fear of collapse and
party culture bankruptcy.

Upon learning that the Governor was coming to visit,
Please keep up with the times. People are great
national wealth. Treat them nicely, otherwise you will
lose your position in the power very soon.

While Gordon warned the CCP for what it has done,
he believes Chinese people are bound to obtain
freedom and democracy.

NTD reporters Zhang Zichun, Zhao Xinzhi and Zhou Tian