
【新唐人2011年5月7日訊】中國社會科學院最近發佈的首部「社會心態藍皮書」聲稱,現在老百姓的生活過得有滋有味。但媒體認為,民眾“被有滋味” 了。





姚立法從1987年開始,先後四次自我推薦參選“湖北潛江市人大代表” 最終當選,之後一直在民間推行真正的民主選舉制度。他卻感覺自己生活在危險之中。



《中國經營網》說看不懂《社會心態藍皮書》。搜狐社區有人認為,《社會心態藍皮書》有點誇張。《千龍網》則擔心:百姓生活不要是“被” 有滋味了。

《新聞晚報》說,食品安全是民眾心中懸著的一塊石頭﹔民眾維權的困境﹔還有房地產的發展及民眾買房難的問題等。但在藍皮書上只是做到了“報喜不報憂”。 ”






Blue Book Says the People Live with Gusto

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) recently
released the first "Blue Book of Social Psychology"
claiming that ordinary people now live with gusto.
But the media says the public "is only said enjoying."

CASS' "Social Psychology Blue Book " on May 4
is based on a survey in Beijing, Shanghai and
Guangzhou. Blue Book claims, on the whole,
the contemporary Chinese people's mental state
seemed lively, vibrant, colorful and high-spirited.
It says, with people's own words,
life is even more gusto,
with more hope and motivation.

Yao Lifa (a Chinese election expert) says:
"I think it is too ridiculous to say as this.
For those living at the bottom, life is hopeless,
the pressure is enormous.
Those unemployed and retired have no security,
People are all overwhelmed by heavy burdens of
housing, hospitalization and schooling.”

Farmers in China also told reporters that
they did not live as happily as said in the Blue Book.
Instead, they still feel the poverty.

Farmer Li: "Policies come from the top to the bottom,
but there is nothing concrete at the bottom.
To us farmers, they don't talk about it.
Poverty remains. What farmers do? Farming.
So we rural people have economic difficulties,
for example, you want to invest, you need money.
but we do not have much.
To obtain loans, it is rather difficult. "

Since 1987, Yao Lifa recommended himself 4 times
as a candidate for the so-called congressional
delegate election, and was eventually elected.
Ever since, he has been advocating a truly democratic
election of the delegates. Yet, he felt his life in danger.

Yao Lifa: "Personally, I am full of anxiety, we speak
for vulnerable groups, utter for them. Our personal
lives are not secure. Not only without protection,
but also we are subject to political persecution."

The Blue Book also sparked heated media discussion.

China Business Network said they cannot understand
what "Blue Book of Social Psychology" says.
Sohu online community readers said that
the "Blue Book" is a bit exaggerating.
Qianlong Net said, people are only claimed to be happy.

Evening News said that food safety is a stone
hanging above the heads of the people;
Plights still surround those fighting for their rights;
The high cost of housing has burdened many people.
The Blue Book seems to report only the “sunny" side.

Eastday.com questions why as economy grows,
there are more crises? Why as society progresses,
the integrity is diluted? Whether it is high prices,
or hard to obtain medical treatment, even food safety,
government influence is everywhere. "

Yet, the Blue Book also said that unfair treatments
in China has caused mass resentment.
People's complaints focus on corruption, irresponsible
officials, heartless businessmen, unfair social phenomena
and unfair public authority that cause such problems.

Yao Lifa: "For the group with power,
they do not feel happy either. They fell no protection,
they fear day and night, for they do all wrong deeds,
regardless of the laws, as evildoers,
they do not know when they』ll be put on trial
or even some go to the guillotine. "

The latest Gallup health survey results show different
results from the Blue Book.
The Gallup survey shows that among the Chinese people,
only 12% feel life "booming," 71% feel barely make ends
meet, 17% fell "very painful."
In other words, 88% Chinese people are not happy.

NTD reporters Li Jing , Li Anan and Zhou Tian
