【禁聞】慘劇震裂鐵道腐敗王國 引高層整肅



香港《東方日報》斥責中共將「高鐵豆腐渣」賴天災,是「人禍國恥」。 而中宣部下令要求各地媒體不派記者去採訪,特別要管好報刊和網站,不要鏈接高鐵發展相關信息,不做反思性報導。













劉志軍曾計劃用20億元買官做副總理。財新《新世紀》雜誌披露, 劉志軍的情婦多達兩位數,與他有權錢交易的山西女富商丁書苗是主要介紹人,其中包括她投資的電視劇新《紅樓夢》的女演員。




Train Tragedy Urges Cleanup

The Wenzhou train tragedy is stirring up a political storm.

On July 26, the State Council called Railway Minister
Sheng Guangzu and other officials in Wenzhou back to Beijing.
Analysts say this unusual act may indicate a political storm,
and the authorities may remove large numbers of officials,
using the case to clean up the “corrupt railway kingdom”
that has been controlled by Jiang Zemin's faction.

On July 23, a high-speed train from Zhejiang to Wenzhou
crashed into a stalled train. Officials blamed natural causes.
In the first third of the 72-hour rescue time, officials started
to bury train wreckage, destroying the evidence.
Analysts say the accident was human error.

Hong Kong's Oriental Daily accuses the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of shoddy railway.
It called the accident a “national shame.”

CCP's propaganda department ordered the media
not to send reporters to interview,
and websites were not allowed to link
with railway sites or make commentaries.

Xinhua.net said on July 26 that 39 people died in the accident,
while Shanghai's “Oriental TV” announced 63 deaths.
Hospital witnesses claim there were about 200 deaths.

The high-speed railways are more costly than
the Three Gorges Dam.
Their construction led to Railway Ministry's debt soaring
from RMB 800 billion in 2008 to RMB 1900 billion in 2010.
The high-speed rails have been called
the CCP's image project.

Dr. Li Tianxiao (Columbia University):
The CCP wants to add a halo to cover up its illegality,
so it aimed for “No. 1” in railway technology and speed.
The CCP does not care about the safety measures.
Driven by rapid development,
it neglected potential problems.

CCP replaced the Head of the Shanghai Railway Bureau,
Long Jing, with Chief Dispatcher An Lusheng.
But An was the one responsible for the 2008 train crash,
in which 72 people died and 416 were injured.

A netizen blogged, “one wolf is gone, a crueler one comes.”

Netizens criticize the slow response,
and ask for the removal of Railway Minister Sheng Guangzu.

When Sheng was promoted in 2008 as a Head of Customs,

it was rumored that he was nephew of the ex-CCP leader
Jiang Zemin.
In February 2011, Sheng became Railway Minister
to replaced the corrupt Liu Zhijun.

Tang Boqiao (China Peace and Democracy Alliance):
The replaced Railway Minister was Jiang Zemin's follower,
so with the current accident, someone will be a scapegoat,
and this will affect the CCP's power struggle.”

The Railway Ministry has been rich and powerful.
It was an “independent kingdom” with its own police,
communication, hospital, school, and legal systems.

In 1996, Liu Zhijun, a track repair worker,
became Deputy Railway Minister.
Jiang promoted him to Railway Party Secretary in 2002
and Railway Minister in 2003.
Insiders reveal that Liu followed Jiang everywhere
when Jiang took the train, so no mishaps would occur.

Liu's brother Liu Zhixiang, Deputy Head of Wuhan Railway
and the “biggest ticket scalper in the world,”
was sentenced to death for hiring guns to kill whistleblowers.
Over RMB 30 million was found in Liu Zhixiang's home.

Liu Zhijun relied on Jiang Zemin to resist Vice Premier
Li Keqiang's reform proposal for transportation ministries.

According to Boxun.net, when Liu Zhijun was in office,
railway system corruption reached RMB 60 billion
through embezzlement, ticket scalping, and elicit commission.
About RMB 12 billion was connected to Liu's family.

Liu planned to buy the “vice premier” post with RMB 2 billion.
Caijing magazine said Liu's mistresses came in at double digits.
Many of them were introduced to him
by his rich business partner Ding Shumiao.
There were also actresses from the TV show
“Dream of Red Mansion”, in which Ding was a sponsor.

Zhang Shuguang, railway general engineer,
was also sanctioned .
Zhang, behind the high-speed rail technology,
transferred US$ 2.8 billion overseas.
Vice Railway Minister Wang Zhiguo was suspended.

Oriental Daily reported that the Railway Ministry
has complicated problems.
At the crucial investigation of the Wenzhou accident,
railway officials were called back to Beijing.
The CCP central office may make big changes in posts.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Li Yuanhan
