(捷克外長施瓦岑貝格) “要麼我們決定介入武力衝突,這是誰都不願意做的,因此唯一的解決方案是召開會議,找到一個折中的方案”
目前,敘利亞政府的暴行也受到政府內部越來越多人的反對。 3月8日,敘利亞石油部副部長胡薩米爾丁宣佈倒戈,加入反對派,成為敘利亞倒戈的首位政府高級官員。在9日,土耳其官員稱,2名敘利亞將軍,1名上校和2名警長倒戈逃入土耳其。
EU foreign ministers gathered in Copenhagen on Friday (March 9) for their regular informal meeting, the focus of which was expected to be on the ongoing violence in Syria.
"Either we decide to enter an armed conflict. As no one is willing to do this, the only solution is to have a meeting and try to find a compromise," the foreign minister of the Czech Republic, Karel Schwarzenberg told reporters as he arrived at the summit.
Syrian forces killed 21 people on Friday as they sought to quell demonstrations against President Bashar al-Assad before a peace mission by U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, opposition activists said.
Rifts among big powers have blocked any U.N. action to resolve the crisis, with China and Russia firmly opposing any measure that might lead to Libya-style military intervention.
Russia, an old ally of Damascus and its main arms supplier, has defended Assad against critics of his bloody crackdown, twice joining China in vetoing U.N. resolutions on Syria.
Syrian security forces have killed well over 7,500 people since the anti-Assad uprising began a year ago, according to a U.N. estimate. The government said in December that "armed terrorists" had killed more than 2,000 soldiers and police.
The summit runs until Saturday (March 10) and is hosted by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Danish Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal.
(捷克外長施瓦岑貝格) “要麼我們決定介入武力衝突,這是誰都不願意做的,因此唯一的解決方案是召開會議,找到一個折中的方案”
目前,敘利亞政府的暴行也受到政府內部越來越多人的反對。 3月8日,敘利亞石油部副部長胡薩米爾丁宣佈倒戈,加入反對派,成為敘利亞倒戈的首位政府高級官員。在9日,土耳其官員稱,2名敘利亞將軍,1名上校和2名警長倒戈逃入土耳其。
EU foreign ministers gathered in Copenhagen on Friday (March 9) for their regular informal meeting, the focus of which was expected to be on the ongoing violence in Syria.
"Either we decide to enter an armed conflict. As no one is willing to do this, the only solution is to have a meeting and try to find a compromise," the foreign minister of the Czech Republic, Karel Schwarzenberg told reporters as he arrived at the summit.
Syrian forces killed 21 people on Friday as they sought to quell demonstrations against President Bashar al-Assad before a peace mission by U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, opposition activists said.
Rifts among big powers have blocked any U.N. action to resolve the crisis, with China and Russia firmly opposing any measure that might lead to Libya-style military intervention.
Russia, an old ally of Damascus and its main arms supplier, has defended Assad against critics of his bloody crackdown, twice joining China in vetoing U.N. resolutions on Syria.
Syrian security forces have killed well over 7,500 people since the anti-Assad uprising began a year ago, according to a U.N. estimate. The government said in December that "armed terrorists" had killed more than 2,000 soldiers and police.
The summit runs until Saturday (March 10) and is hosted by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Danish Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal.