












網路作家荊楚: 它(央視)的功能就是欺騙社會,欺騙老百姓,大家知道這些官僚們啊,特權階層,它們是有特供的,特供給他們的東西呢,是綠色的,不加添加劑的,沒有農藥殘留的。(而)中國老百姓食的是有毒的食品,像三鹿奶粉啊,像地溝油啊...




採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李若琳

Netizens Display the Reality Version of “A Bite of China”

The issue of unsafe food is very serious in Mainland China. Recently, netizens have listed all unsafe foods that had been exposed in past years to satirize the CCTV』s documentary series, “A Bite of China.” Netizens said that the documentary series portrays life in a country full of delicious food,
but many are concerned that these foods are not safe to eat. How satirical it is! Some commentators said that under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Chinese have been forged to be immunized against all kinds of poisons. Some netizens even made a video criticizing the endless stream of unsafe food.

Every night, CCTV broadcasted the 7-episode documentary series, “A Bite of China” (its Chinese title can be directly translated into “china on the tip of the tongue”) recently, which attracted many people』s attention. The series introduces Chinese food culture. Focusing on the pursuit of Chinese food and life, it uses a series of stories to show Chinese etiquette, ethics, taste and other cultural characteristics that were brought about by food during the thousands years』 history.

The food producers In the documentary are unsophisticated farmers. For instance, an old lady who has made shrimp paste all her life, a lotus farmer who digs lotus root in the lake at midnight, an old man who fishes in the early morning on the glacial lake, a fisherman who fishes in the vast sea are featured.

Since the documentary』s broadcast, the audience rate keeps growing. But when audiences watch the delicious foods and hear warm stories, they thought about a reality, namely, on the tip of the Chinese tongue are unsafe foods.

Some netizens jokingly changed the title, “A Bite of China” to, “the Periodic Table (of elements) on the Tip of Tongue.” They said, “You must be very lucky to eat safe food.” Many netizens agreed and have listed all unsafe foods
of the past years.

Some netizens created a satirical video, “Netizen』s Skew Song,”criticizing the food industry as the darkest industry in China.

Netizen』s Skew Song: "The Egg Yolk Pie has exceeded Chromium; the swill-cooked dirty oil is used in restaurants; the stewed pork in brown sauce smells so good
but it cooked with opium; the succade seasoned together with garbage;
formaldehyde is used to preserve vegetables; lean meat powder (a chemical product which is used to feed pigs) will lead you to have cancer; your favorite yogurt is made of used shoes.

Leaders don』t need worry about the food because they have a special supply.”

Some netizens said that the most entangled issue is that in a time when people are worried that foods aren』t safe for consumption, the documentary portrays a country full of delicious foods. How satirical it is!

Some netizens found the documentary, “Strong Stomach”, produced one year ago, that exposes unsafe food. They said this is the reality version of, “A bite of China.”

Strong Stomach: ”What will I eat in my breakfast? Sanlu (melamine milk) is good. What will I eat in my lunch? The toxic rice is a good choice. I』m not afraid of a cabbage dish, which was sprayed by dichlorvos. I have eaten many Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate which makes my food look very clean. I love the color. Pork contains lean meat powder, and eels are growing up by feed contraceptive. I』m not afraid of hydrogenated oils. How can swill-cooked dirty oil hurt me! What』s the dinner? A hot pot that made of saliva oil (oil from another eater』s leftovers).

Some netizens pointed out that the CCTV』s documentary is very shameless. It tries all its best to portray a “harmonious Golden Age,”which is like a spiritual opium to anesthetize the Chinese who is suffer from unsafe foods.

Jing Chu, an Internet writer said that CCTV is CCP』s tool to brainwash the people and fool them. Chinese are now immunized against all poisons.

Jing Chu: ”The function of CCTV is to cheat the society, and cheat the people.
Everybody knows the bureaucrats are the privileged class, and have a special food supply. The products supplied to them are organic which are without
any additives and pesticide residues. The products supplied to normal Chinese are toxic products, like Sanlu milk powder, and the swill-cooked dirty oil.”

Jing Chu pointed out that the CCP』s dictatorship system is not a stable system,
which means people don』t care about tomorrow, and only care about today which lead to the lack of integrity. For the businessmen who make and trade the unsafe food, the CCP even doesn』t dare to punish them.

Jing Chu: ”The whole history of CCP is fake. The CCP』s media can』t survive if it doesn』t lie. It cheats Chinese every day. It doesn』t dare to punish the swindlers who bluff and deceive. It』s the fundamental source of the swindling and bluffing.”

Jing Chu said that the Chinese food culture is profound, it has a history that Chinese should be proud of. Behind a dish or a soup is a kind of culture.

The pot, bowl, pan, scoop and spoon, all the tools show a rich, long-standing civilization. But in modern times, CCP destroyed the culture, and Chinese have to face the unsafe food.