【禁聞】粵中山警民衝突加劇 川民頻抗議




廣東中山沙溪鎮知情人士:「 我們在這兒看到,就在我們門口,就看到一個小時,那個刑警在路邊『遊行』,那些人就走出來,不注意走出來就被抓了,聽他們外面說有6千(民工)人,那些警察也來了幾百人吧,發生衝突,現在(27號下午)武警大隊他們都走了好多了。」



中山市公安局26號在微博證實這起衝突事件。 27號,沙溪鎮宣傳辦的工作人員也向《新唐人》證實,當地出動防暴警察清場,打傷幾十人。

廣東中山市沙溪鎮宣傳辦工作人員:「 昨天晚上很多群眾,就聚集的太多,越來越多的群眾,然後我們就發動全部的,我們主要是防暴警察嘛,衝突的時候是有幾十人傷了。」


廣東律師唐荊陵:「在中國,戶籍隔離,以及戶籍隔離相關的罪惡一直都存在的, 最主要的還是政府部門的態度,尤其在給外來的勞動者服務方面一直是很糟糕的,沒有提供甚麼服務,反而主要的問題是找他們收錢,就是巧立名目,以各種各樣的方式收錢,遇到問題的時候對這些人就打擊。」





採訪/陳漢 編輯/李韻 後製/黎安安

Guangdong』s Large-Scale Mass Conflict Intensified

A large-scale mass conflict involving migrant workers has been
ongoing for two days in Shaxi Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong.
This is the 3rd mass clash between Sichuan emigrants and
locals following the previous two in Zengcheng and Chaozhou city.
A Chongqing teenager in conflict with a local kid was tied up
and beaten by Shaxi Town』s public security admin officers.
Nearly 10,000 supporting emigrants besieged the town hall.

Hundreds of riot police arrived on site and began beating
the masses, resulting in five deaths, dozens of injuries, and many detentions.

On June 26, China』s Internet was flooded with posts telling
the truth about a clash,
which recently took place in Shaxi town of Zhongshan,
Guangdong Province.
On June 25, a 13-year-old boy from Chongqing clashed with
a local boy after he picked up roadside mangos.
The local public security guards tied up and beat
the Chongqing teenager with a bag covering his head, rendering him unconscious.
A clash ensued between the boy』s parents, their fellow
Chongqing citizens and the local village Public Security Admin Committee.
Thousands of nearby non-local migrant workers besieged
the village council to stage protest, and the number of participants once reached nearly 10,000.

Hundreds of riot police arrived to the scene, beating anyone
they met, while the masses fought back by throwing stones.
Several police cars were smashed or overturned.

Online news reported five deaths and dozens of injuries,
over-crowding the Zhongshan Hospital, and many people were detained by the police.

Local informed sources: "In the past hour, we』ve seen
criminal police “parading” along roadsides.
They captured the protesters who took to the street.

I heard there are about 6,000 people (migrant workers)
outside clashing with hundreds of policemen.
A lot of armed police forces have withdrawn now (afternoon,
June 27).”

A netizen』s post said, “Yesterday (the 26th), upon arriving
to the site, dozens of riot cops holding iron bars rushed out, beating whomever they met, just like beating pigs around...”

Another online posting said, “The riot squad formed
a human wall. Many people on-site were beaten, heads cut open and bleeding.”

The Public Security Bureau of Zhongshan city confirmed
the mass conflict on its official Weibo (microblog) on June 26.
Shaxi town hall』s propaganda office also confirmed that
the riot police were dispatched to the site, injuring dozens.

Staff of propaganda office, Shaxi Town: "Too many people
gathered last night, so we dispatched all our riot police.
Dozens of people were injured during the clash.”

Lawyer Tang Jingling said that Shaxi Town』s mass conflict
is different from the one that occurred in Xintang Town, Zengcheng.
However, he analyzed that both were results of piled-up
grievances of migrant workers regarding the local authorities』 injustice.

Tang Jingling (Lawyer, Guangdong): "The evil household
registration system has existed in China all the time.
The core problem lies in the attitude of local authorities who
always offer especially terrible services to migrant workers
while charging them under diverse pretexts, and slap
them down if confronted with opposition.”

Guangdong, a province with over 30 million emigrants,
has seen frequent migrant workers』 protests in recent years.
In June 2011, a migrant worker from Sichuan who asked for
defaulted wages in Guxiang town, Chaozhou, had his tendons on hands and feet cut off.
The tragedy triggered a mass siege of the town hall, over 30
police cars were set on fire, causing at least six deaths and dozens of injuries.

Four days later in Xintang Town, Zengcheng city,
a pregnant Sichuan migrant vendor was kicked and injured by local urban management officers.
The incident incited a mass demonstration
by local Sichuan emigrants.
Other regions』 Sichuan migrant workers flocked to join
the protest, involving as many as 10,000 participants.
The local authorities suppressed it with a great deal of police
force, detaining and imprisoning over a dozen Sichuan emigrants.

The Apple Daily commented on the mass conflict
in Shaxi Town.
It』s foreseeable that the official version of events would
cover at least three terms, namely
the ulterior motives of the criminals, people with unknown facts,
and the beating, smashing, and burning.
The officials retaliated by arresting the alleged Internet
rumor-mongers and people with “ulterior motives,” according to the Apple Daily.

Tang Jingling notes that seething discontent and endless
mass conflicts have spread nationwide in recently years.
If the regime still cracks down on them in the name of
preserving stability, its ruling will be seen as more unstable.
Tang warns that the Chinese society can be compared
to a pressure cooker that will explode at any moment if handled improperly.