

天津薊縣「萊德商廈」6月30號大火,已經過了七天,而中共官方公布的10人死亡, 16人受傷的說法,至今沒有更新。幾天來,大陸網絡上不斷有人披露大火慘案內情,有人爆料說,火災現場有很多屍體殘骸,屍骨成堆。

7月4號,網友「@田__在哼」發微博說,「 6.30天津市薊縣萊德商廈大火,已交由天津市人民檢察院調查,現已確定死亡人數為378人!薊縣的子孫們,你們看了這個數字會有多心痛?」百度貼吧也有網友發消息說,「目前官方內部數字是378人!」



甚邡市委書記被免職 網友歡呼





果然,網上有記者調查出了甚邡「宏達鉬銅」背後存在著官商勾結。 7月5號,《時代週報》記者何光偉在新浪微博發文說,「宏達」管理層和董事裡,有現任或歷任的副部級官員2人、廳級1人、副廳級1人、處級至少7人,其中包括全國人大代表、全國工商聯副主席劉滄龍,前四川政協副主席、現全國政協委員、全國工商聯常委何志堯,前四川化工廳廳長、計委副主任劉資甫,前德陽市副市長、人大常委會副主任吳顯坤等等。




Death toll of Tianjin fire far exceeds the number in official reports

The accidental fire of Laide Commercial Building in Ji County
of Tianjin happened on June 30th. Over 7 days have passed.
However, the official death toll of 10 dead and 16 injured,
which was released by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has not been updated.
In the past few days, some people continuously revealed the
inside story of the fire tragedy on the mainland China network.
Some people said that the fire scene contained, many corpses
and piles of bones.

July 4, a netizen named @Tian_zaiheng said on a microblog:

“The fire accident on June 30th of Laide Commercial Building
in Ji County of Tianjin has been handed over to the
Tianjin Municipal People's Procuratorate to investigate.
The confirmed death toll is now 378 persons.
We children and grandchildren of Ji County,
when you see this figure, how painful we will feel?”
Some netizens of Baidu Post Bar also posted message saying,
“The official internal figure is 378.”

In addition, a list of victims sorted out by netizens is being
circulated on the internet.
The number of deaths on the list has far exceeded 10 persons.
Currently, the list is constantly updated.

According to a report by Radio Free Asia, at present,
in order to conceal the truth and block the real message,
the authority of Ji County is suppressing persons
who discuss the fire tragedy.
The report quoted local sources saying that the persons
who discuss this matter will be arrested.

Netizens cheering about CCP secretary of Shifang removal from office,.

Thousands of students and residents of Shifang City protested
against the construction of molybdenum and copper factory.
The local government dispatched special police to crackdown
on their protest. This incident lasted several days.
Currently, the incident has calmed.
But a number of students are still being arrested, without release.
While the people demand the release of persons unconditionally,
they also demand the oust of the responsible leaders.

July 5, the press office of Shifang government released news
on the official microblogg saying that, in the evening, a meeting of cadres of Shifang City was held.
The meeting announced that the CCP secretary of Shifang
City, Li Chengjin, was removed from office and replaced by Zuo Zheng, vice mayor of Deyang City.

As soon as the news was released, a big joy was shared
on the internet.
Some netizens say, “This is the initial display of civic strength.”
Some other netizens say, “This is what's expected.”
Also some netizens say, “Removal from office is not enough.
The beneficiaries of the incident also should be investigated.”

Reporters reveal collusion between government and businessmen
behind Shifang “Hongda molybdenum and copper projects.”

As expected, the news on internet show that some reporters
have investigated that collusion between
the government and the businessmen exist behind
the Shifang molybdenum and copper projects.
July 5, He Guangwei, reporter of "Die Zeit", wrote article
on Sina microblogging saying that the management persons
and directors of “Hongda” includes 1 current or former
vice-ministerial officials, 1 departmental level official,
1 deputy departmental level official and at least 7 division
level officials.
Among of them, there are Liu Canglong, representative
of National People's Congress and vice chairman of the China Federation of Industry and Commerce,
He Zhiyao, former Sichuan Vice Chairman of the CPPCC
and representative of National CPPCC and member of National Federation of the Standing Committee,
Liu Zipu, former director of Sichuan Chemical Engineering
Department, deputy director of Planning Commission,
and Wu Xiankun, former deputy mayor of Deyang City,
deputy director of the Standing Committee and other persons.

China ranks on the world's most repressive countries list

July 3rd, in the eve of U.S. Independence Day,
non-government organization "Freedom House” published
the political report, "the worst of the worst: the world's most
repressive countries."
Mainland China ranks among the 19 countries and regions
most lacking in political rights and civil liberties.
According to the report of Central News Agency, 1.6 billion
people are living in the countries and regions with absence
of political rights of speech and assembly, freedom of association.
Among of them, 1.3 billion people are from mainland China.
It reports that in the named countries and regions,
when the public exercise their fundamental rights, they suffer harassment and imprisonment.
The government controls people's daily life.

The citizens are facing the government infringement
and lack of protection by the judicial system.
