【禁聞】房價止跌回升 溫家寶再談調控














採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/李若琳

5th Time in 6 Months: Wen Jiabao Talks House Price Control

China's economic growth has continued to slow down.

Within a month, the mainland central bank twice lowered
interest rates to boost economy.
Local authorities of the Chinese Communist Party
took the opportunity to relax property market restrictions,
and house prices began to show signs of rebounding.

CCP Premier Wen Jiabao recently re-emphasized
a desperate curbing of house price’s upward trend
Experts say, the root of China’s real estate problem is
the CCP’s political establishment.
That can explain why the central control policy could not
be carried through in spite of Wen Jiabao’s repeated orders.

On July 7 on his inspection in Jiangsu Province, Wen Jiabao
said that the stage still remains crucial for real estate control.
Property prices shall in no way be allowed to rebound
while being promoted so as to achieve the goal of reasonable house pricing.
Wen stressed curbing speculation and investment demand,
to avoid disguised loosening up of house purchase policy.
Severe punishment shall be imposed on enterprises,

intermediary institutions and individuals that are implicated in
defrauding the entitlement to purchase properties, said Wen.
This was the 5th time over the recent six months that
Wen has stressed the control and reasonable pricing of China’s property market.

Cao’an (Political & economic commentator): "Wen Jiabao’s
repetitive talk about this issue
is because the central authorities’ policies haven’t been
carried through at the local-level.
Now in China, the government is completely controlled by
interest groups."

Cao’an says the CCP’s central authorities clearly know that
land auction is the main source of local extra-budget revenue.
If Beijing truly puts the pressure on over excessively high
house prices, local authorities will have no way to sustain, he thinks.

Cao’an: "To solve real estate problems, the Chinese
government must carry out political and institutional reforms.
Firstly, reforming of the tax system. Without it,
without curbing corruption, and realization of public scrutiny,
all central control policies can’t possibly get
carried through.”

Expert on China, Gong Shengli, analyzes the underlying
causes of China’s high property prices.
The government-led economic model has changed
the rules of the marketing.
The government became both the referee and the athlete.
Such an economic model is naturally contradictory and
hard to maintain or manage well.

Gong Shengli: "(Wen) has no way to keep China’s
real estate going, as it isn’t a market-based economy.
So how could it be successful when it has used political
monopoly as a way to control the market ? "

In mid-May,Wen Jiabao claimed to prioritize the
"steady growth" of the macro-economy.
Then, the central bank cut its bank reserve ratios in
June and July,
trying to stimulate the economy,
getting rid of a long-term downturn.

However, the goal of "steady growth" is apparently against
the previous policy of suppressing the real estate bubble.
The CCP authorities have stepped into a dilemma.

Along with the central banks interest rates cuts,
local authorities relaxed house purchase restrictions.
In June, the average new residential sale prices in 100 cities
slightly rose month on month, ending the 9-month downward trend.
The public worry that the housing bubble will
keep growing, which will fuel high house prices.

Gong Shengli thinks the failure of housing price control
will trigger a new round of inflation in China.

Cao’an notes that China’s economy faces the most serious
situation in the last 30 years. The worst-case scenario has begun to emerge.

Cao’an: "In this regard, there is a common view held
in China and overseas.
That is, without implementing political reform,
within five years, China will perish.
And more likely, they said, is the collapse of the CCP."

Last week, Li Keqiang, the likely successor to Wen Jiabao
as the CCP’s Premier at the upcoming 18th Congress,
reportedly stressed keeping the real estate
market control stabilized.