
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/君卓

Hard to Choose: Hu Jintao Silent on CCP Birthday

“What is Communist Party of China?
Where did it come from? Where is it going?"
Many people now ask such “philosophical”
questions about CCP.
At CCP’s 91st anniversary, Chinese President Hu Jintao
unexpectedly canceled his "important" speech.
What is behind this unusual activity?
Here is expert’s analysis.

Compared with its 90th birthday celebration,
this anniversary of CCP seems much less lively.
Apart from scarce celebrations, even Hu Jintao’s "important"
speech was canceled, which is rare after CCP’s 17th Assembly.
This is also the last opportunity for President Hu to deliver a
speech at CCP’s birthday.

Hong Kong magazine Asia Week published an article saying,

in the face of the Bo Xilai scandal, dissidents within the party,
and serious social conflicts, Hu Jintao simply kept silent.

The article also pointed out that CCP’s coming Beidaihe
meeting will decide whether Hu Jintao continues to serve as Chairman of Central Military Commission.
Currently both pros and cons regarding this issue are staged.

President of China Interim Government
Wu Fan analyzes,
Besides the Bo Xilai scandal,
Hu Jintao also faces economic problems.
Without a way to solve the problems, Hu takes an excuse
to visit Hong Kong, simply to avoid giving a "speech."

Wu Fan: “In his own words, they(CCP) cannot change
the severe situations both domestic and international.
That is beyond the ability of Hu Jintao or CCP.
When speaking does no good, Hu Jintao simply chooses to be silent.”

Wu Fan believes that Hu Jintao has seen the crisis of CCP,
so now he keeps delaying things as a way out.
However, delaying cannot solve the essential problems,
which Hu Jintao has to face someday.

The problem of collective protests also challenges CCP.

The article said that China saw180,000 collective
protests in 2010, three times more than ten years ago.

Political critic Lu Shu believes that CCP has come to
another historical crossing after 63 years in power.

Political critic Lu Shu: “On a cultural level,
CCP has completely lost its moral basis.
On a practical level, it has entirely lost the ability
to keep China a cohesive unity.
CCP itself has divided into many interest groups,
who fiercely compete against each other for their own interests.”

In addition to the internal factors, Lan Shu also analyzed
international forces made Hu Jintao unable to give a speech.
Lan Shu said that although CCP promises to “serve the people,”
they instead harvest people’s organs to sell for profits.
From late last year, Western societies have gradually exposed
the truth about CCP harvesting the organs of Falun Gong practitioners.

Lan Shu: “CCP removed organs from living people,
and then sold them to the rich in the Capitalist countries.
This is simply a disaster against human rights.

When the Chinese society thoroughly learns about this,
it will surely bring CCP to its complete disintegration.”

Lan Shu believes that Hu Jintao and other CCP leaders
have come to a dead end.
If they keep eulogizing Communism, they will become the
biggest joke after Chinese people know the truth.

Lan Shu: “If Hu Jintao is willing to abandon Communism
and to end CCP’s dictatorship,
it does not matter much whether he delivers a speech
on July 1st or not.
It is better for him to keep silent, to make a decision,
and to make a choice as early as possible.”

Asia Week’s article questions who is CCP,
whom CCP represents, and for whom CCP exists. CCP’s identity calls for reflection.
CCP also faces the problem that its members have lost belief in
its propaganda and has become aimless.

While the outside world thinks about the nature of CCP,

people from Mainland China also take efforts to fight
for their future by eliminating CCP’s stigma in their lives.
As of July 23, over 120 million Chinese people
have chosen to quit CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Many of these people are themselves CCP officials.