【禁聞】公安局長懲政治謠言 網民約架決戰






北京憲政學者 陳永苗:「因為正好是群體比較激動的時候,比較輿論的時候,或者他會出於恐嚇,但是不會採取抓人的行動,因為抓人的行動的話,越鬧越大了,我覺得對他更加不利,那可能更加激化矛盾了,可能他的官位就不保了。」










採訪編輯/李韻 後製/君卓

Netizens Challenge Speech Suppression

Fu Cheng-hua, director of Beijing Municipal Public Security
Bureau (PSB), and member of Beijing Municipal Committee,
wants to severely punish those who "create and spread
political rumors on the internet to attack the party, state leaders, and the current system.”
He will also set up 110 Report platforms on Sina, Tencent
and other key microblogging websites.
Fu's remarks triggered strong criticism.
Some even asked for a final fight with Fu on their microblog.
Commentators pointed out Fu Cheng-hua's purpose
is to intimidate people to not make radical statements
online in order to ensure a safe convening of the 18th
National People's Congress meeting (NPC).

On July 24, Fu Cheng-hua claimed, in a meeting, that those
using the Internet to create and spread political rumors,
attack party and state leaders and the current system,
will be warned publicly if the violation is minor.
He said those with gross violations should be punished
severely by law and he set up 110 Report platforms on several main microblog websites.

Internet writer Jing Chu pointed out that officials, regardless
of their positions, should be monitored by people, and that
Fu Cheng-hua clamored to arrest critics but he totally
underestimated public immunity to authorities intimidation.

Internet writer Chu: "Saying they attack the party and state
leaders, and attack the current system, how do you define the attack?
People say several sentences then it is an attack?
Your existing system has no defects? (People are) not allowed to criticize?
Such a person became the director of Beijing PSB,
it shocks the whole world."

Fu Cheng-hua's remarks coincided with the Beijing floods
and seething discontent among the masses.
Online criticism of authorities for being ineffective in disaster
prevention, disaster relief, and rehabilitation is at a high.
Beijing constitutional scholar, Chan Wing-Miao, analyzed
Fu Cheng-hua is warning netizens who spread the truth of rainstorm in Beijing.

Chan Wing-Miao, Beijing constitutional scholar: "It is just
when they become excited, they talk a lot.
It may be just out of intimidation,
because if it really arrests someone,
there will be greater troubles, and it will be more unfavorable
to the authorities.
If the contradictions are intensified, their positions
may be threatened.”

Netizen She Mei said on Sina microblog: "Tell Fu Cheng-hua,
netizens are against the party and state leaders
and the current system, we ask for a battle, so please come
for a fight!"

Chan Wing-Miao pointed out now people have awakened,
their fear of public security and the tyranny has gradually
diminished, they are showing anger towards the
ineffectiveness of authorities and their concealing the truth.

Chan Wing-Miao: "It appears such a big downpour, you do not
let people talk, even intimidate people, so they are very dissatisfied.
People no longer feel the authorities are superior,
and they have to be suppressed. It became very equal.
Public opinions even overshadowed the public security bureau,
and appear on a level of public security prestige."

Netizens grew furious on the Internet.
All are denouncing Fu Cheng-hua.
Facing numerous remarks which can't ever be fully deleted,
the government has currently prohibited the name,
“Fu Cheng-hua” from being searched for online via
the mircroblogs of Sina, Sohu, and Netease.

Fu Cheng-hua also revealed publicly that in 2012,
Beijing has sent out a over 12,000 policemen,
checked more than 10,000 Internet cafes, knocked down
263 so-called black bars, and detained 201 owners.

Up to now, Beijing's public security system has dealt with
3,916 cases of all kinds involving the Internet,
arrested 5,007 so-called 『criminal suspects』,
cleared 366,000 so-called 『illegal』 messages, and punished 7,549 so-called 『illegal websites.』

The Public Security Bureau began the so-called 『rectification
of online crimes』 in March.
Up until the end of June, they had arrested more than 10,000
suspects, cleaned up over 3.2 million pieces of so-called 『illegal
and harmful information』 online, and investigated and punished
tens of thousands of so-called 『illegal Internet service providers.』

Jing Chu: "They (CCP) are just afraid of people speaking out
their thoughts.
They (CCP) leave no stone unturned to seal the mouths
of people, so the Internet became their first enemy.
What they (CCP) do is kill this country and remove its vitality,
making it stagnant.
The disadvantages of current system absolutely
cannot be pointed out by people."

Chan Wing-Miao pointed out that the authorities re-tighten
control of speech at this moment and intimidate the people
for the purpose of preventing mass incidents and preventing
so-called 『extreme statements』 online, in order to secure the convening of the 18th NPC.