【禁聞】向紅朝要天理 姑娘欲摁「血手印」






法輪功發言人 張而平:「他們沒有上中共詆譭法輪功的當,他們很清楚法輪功(學員)是甚麼樣的人。有些人可能並不直接認識這些人,但他接觸身邊這些法輪功學員,在生活中或親朋好友中,他發現這些都是非常好的人、非常善良的人,所以他們才站起來替他們發聲。」








採訪/陳漢 編輯/王子琦 後製/孫寧

Young Lady Asks to Make “Blood Fingerprint” on Petition to Ask CCP for Justice

Recently, many people in mainland China have stood up
to help Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained
and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This has included supporting petitions
by using red-inked fingerprints.
Among these people is a young lady from Hebei province.

She now wants to use her “blood fingerprint”
to protect a Falun Gong practitioner.
The sincerity, righteousness and bravery she has shown
in her actions, to ask the CCP for justice, has moved people.

"Minghui Net" reported that there is a highly respected
businessman in Tanghai County, Hebei Province.
His name is Zheng Xiangxing. He was detained illegally
in Tanghai Detention Center for practicing Falun Gong.
To support his release, 562 local people placed
their “red fingerprints” on petition letters.
Up until now, Zheng has not been released.

Recently, another group of people began to sign
a petition, placing their red fingerprints for his release.
Currently, 979 people have signed.

Among these petitioners who printed their
red fingerprints, there is a young lady in her 20s.
When she wanted to place her red fingerprint,
there was no red printing ink left.
This delicate lady then said, "Give me a needle,
and I will puncture my finger to make the print”.
Although the petition collector told her not to worry,

and that he will bring more print ink soon,
her righteous conviction shocked all the people on site.

One couple are CCP officials. After they learned
the truth, they said that the CCP regime should end.
Then they stated they are quitting the CCP, and signed
the petition with their real name and fingerprint.

Zhang Erping, a spokesman for Falun Gong commented.

Zhang believes the because so many people have stood up
to support Falun Gong in mainland China,
it shows the CCP's propaganda trying to slander and demonize
Falun Gong during the last 13 years has not worked.

Zhang Erping: "People didn't believe
the CCP's slander against Falun Gong.
People know very well what kind
of people Falun Gong practitioners are.
Some of them may not know the Falun Gong
practitioner that they have petitioned for.
However, other Falun Gong practitioners
who they know are very kind and very good.
That is the reason why they stood up
and acted for these practitioners.”

Another protagonist of the 'red fingerprint' events
is Li Lankui, a farmer from Hebei province.
Li was persecuted innocently
because he practices Falun Gong.
In his case, 700 people placed their red fingerprints,
with the petition shown in a U.S. congress hearing.
The CCP was very angry about this exposure.

They harassed and intimidated the people
who signed the petition with their red fingerprint.

A few days ago, it was reported that there are still
more than 300 villagers from Zhengding County,
Hebei Province who don't fear suppression.

They have continued to put their “red fingerprints” in support
of Li Lankui, and the 700 people who have already signed.
These people wrote in petition:
"The purpose of these people is very clear.
The police arrested a good person without any excuse.

People have no other requirement
but to ask for the support of Li Lankui.
We ask the government to release the innocent
Falun Gong practitioner Li Lankui immediately.
To withdraw the police inside the village, and return
to a peaceful and harmonious environment for people.”

Zhang Erping: "When you live in a society that has reversed
black and white, mixed right and wrong,
and detained good people,
people can see it and remember it.
When there's a chance society can be changed, more
and more people will understand the nature of the CCP.
They will stand up to protect Falun Gong practitioners.

They know clearly that to protect Falun Gong
practitioners is protecting their own rights.
This is because Falun Gong practitioners believe
Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
These are the universal values,
as well as traditional Chinese moral values.”

Our NTD reporter interviewed people in mainland China
about these two fingerprint petition events.

Reporter: "Will you put your fingerprint
when you meet this kind of situation?”

Interviewee: "I will. I support maintaining
the legitimate rights and the freedom of belief."

Reporter: "Why do you support Falun Gong practitioners?"

Interviewee: "They are a practice group, and a kind of belief.
Being able to practice your belief freely is a basic human right.
According to the human rights convention,
all countries in the world recognize that everybody has the freedom to choose his belief.
From another point of view, based on my own experiences
over the past few years, all the Falun Gong practitioners I know are of a high moral level.
They are very good people that believe
Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.”

During last April, the “300 fingerprint” petition
in Hebei shocked the central level CCP, sparking a strong reaction in China.
Following this, a series of similar events began happening
one after another, including “562 fingerprints” in Henan,
“15,000 red fingerprints” in Heilongjiang province,
and “700 fingerprints” in Hebei province.
Even in Taiwan, there is a Taiwanese version
of the red fingerprint petitions to save
Zhong Dingbang, a Taiwanese Falun Gong
practitioner detained in China by the CCP.

Zhang Erping said that this shows the Chinese
are awakening, and the world is awakening too.