【禁聞】職工汽油彈襲高層 邵陽再成焦點

【新唐人2012年8月28日訊】職工汽油彈襲高層 邵陽再成焦點





揭劉翔退賽 《東方衛報》遭整肅



上千日企僱員罷工 深圳警察鎮壓





Shaoyang Retiree Kills Three At Water Plant

On August 27th, an employee set fire at his company killing
managerial staff in Shaoyang city, Hunan province.
The incident become another focus since the June 4th victim
Li Wangyang’s strange death months ago.

Sources said that at 10am on 27th, Shaoyang Water Plant
was having a regular production meeting, when worker
Shi Yanfei rushed into the room carrying a gasoline bottle.
He set fire to the bottle and throw it at the leaders.
Three died and four were injured: Long Xinmin,
the company manager and party secretary,
Rao Xiaoyang, vice manager and Shao Jiaping,
vice party secretary all died on site.
One official message online said
Shi jumped off the building and died..
Another official media reported Shi survived
after jumping off and is now being treated in hospital.

Sources said Shi, a retired company worker, was disgruntled
over a job assignment given to her child at this company.
However, this explanation was questioned by netizens.

Some said Shi must have mishandled case,
she would risk her life only if she can’t see the hope.
It was the leaders’ behaviors that resulted in this.

Others said that behind this tragedy
was social contradiction and crises;
severe problems of employment,
inequality in employment and corruption in employment.
People said leaders and citizens’ relations had worsened and
anger was accumulated for a long time, causing the tragedy.

Oriental Guardian Cleaned Up for Reporting Truth of
Liu Xiang’s Injury

On August 23rd, Nanjing Oriental Guardian newspaper said
in the front page headline:
“Liu Xiang knew, Central TV knew and leaders knew –only
spectators foolishly waited to witness a moment of miracle.”
Reports said, “The Central TV received news in advance
that Liu was injured.”
This report resulted is some key persons’ removal.

The Editor-in-Chief, chief editor assistant and news director
were dismissed, the reporter was moved to an editorial position.

This news was again stirring up discussions while
netizens continue to search for the truth.
There was still no official confirmation of the news,
neither to deny the rumor.
Media people said that the news has high credibility because the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) usual practice controls media.

Thousands workers protest to the Japanese company for
cancellation of overtime payment

Thousands of workers from a Japanese company in Baoan
District, Shenzhen protested cancellation of night shift pay.
The demonstration started last Thursday
when the protesters blocked the road.
The demonstration has been going on for five days
and it still continuing.

Report said that hundreds of police and
special armed police were sent to maintain “stability”.
Many protesters were beaten and were injured, a lady over
three months pregnant was beaten, blood all over her, which aroused the anger of the workers.
They cursed the police on Japanese side,
ignoring Chinese peoples’ interests.

Protesters revealed that the company has launched
a new site in Philippines.
The company will make redundant some employees and
cancelled workers pay to force them leave.