【禁聞】不中華 不人民 不共和的中共黨國
















採訪/李蓮 編輯/宋風 後製/周天

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Nation: Not democratic,
not republic, really not China.

It's been 63 years since the CCP changed the
“Republic of China” to “People's Republic of China”.
However, experts in the U.S. point out the “People's Republic of
China” is not democratic, not republic and really not China itself.

Radio Free Asia interviewed Lin Muchen, chairman of
Chinese Democracy Education Foundation to talk about “People's Republic of China”.

Lin points out from the historical development of the CCP,

it started out as a “branch” fostered by the Soviet Union's
International Communism.
It's main goal was to overthrow the first republic in Asia
-the Republic of China.

Lin Muchen says after the Communists took over, they
destroyed Chinese civilization without restraint.
Through the Cultural Revolution, they changed China into a
society which violates traditional Chinese moral culture.
It does not completely belong to the west, but it also does not
belong to China. So it is rather nondescript to call it “China”.

Concerning this, Chris Wu, China Affairs editor in chief thinks
the CCP did not inherit any traditions and features of Chinese culture,
but also damaged the Chinese language of the
Chinese nation and even damaged territorial integrity.

Chris Wu: “Territory is the most important carrier for an
ethnic group. If there is no land or territorial waters,
then the ethnicity cannot survive. The CCP either sold,
gifted away, or ceded all the land Chinese people left.
It played the role of a traitor. It damaged the Chinese
nation from the root.”

Wikipedia shows there were more than 13,000,000
square kilometers of land during the Qing Dynasty.
After the Opium War, national land area shrunk to
11,500,000 million square kilometers.
Before the partition between Taiwan and Mainland,
Republic of China's territorial area is 11,418,174 square kilometers, and shaped like a begonia leaf.

Lin Muchen also says the people of “People's Republic
of China” do not have rights at all.
Not only do they lack political rights, but even personal rights.

He also points out, after the CCP took power, it immediately
broke the promise of a Democratic Coalition Government which it had established during the Chinese Civil War.

The conclusion Lin Muchen draws on “People's Republic of
China” is: not people, not republic, and not China. It is a Communist Party Nation.

Chris Wu: “From the political meaning, there is election in a
'Republic', the head of state is appointed through election.
If the head of a state is not appointed by election, but by
tyranny, then it is an autocracy, everything is autocratic!”

Chris also says the CCP political power is highly centralized,
all the rights and benefits belong to the CCP, it should be called a 'Communism Nation'.

China Social Democratic Party Central Committee Host Liu
Yinquan believes many crimes were committed after the CCP took power.

Liu Yinquan: “In these 63 years, CCP has been making
trouble. It can be said that the 63 years of damage,
suppression, regression and corruption brought
unprecedented disaster to the Chinese people.”

Liu Yinquan says, from suppressing anti-revolutions, anti-
rightist, anti-leftists and other activates,
the CCP killed and persecuted intellectuals and
wealthy people who make up the social backbone.
The cultural revolution is a even further comprehensive
destruction and annihilation of Chinese culture.
It is a great, all encompassing damage and regression never
seen in history before.
Especially after Jiang Zemin's suppression of Falun Gong, its
practitioners firmly believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance,
the CCP led China towards the deep pit of moral
decay and corruption.

Liu Yinquan also points out, after the publication of
Nine Commentaries, more and more people quit the CCP.
It shows that Chinese people are awakening, clearly
recognizing the CCP's evils.
He says, it is time for the CCP to get off the stage of history.
