【禁聞】台灣護照行情看漲 陸民眾希望申請

















採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/鍾元

Value of Taiwanese passport rising, mainland people hope to apply

From November 11, Visa-free to the U.S with
Taiwanese passport will go into effect.
This makes the value of Taiwanese passport rise.

Recently, some mainland people asked the Taiwanese journalist
of NTDTV how to apply for Taiwanese passport.
The number who sent the minister's mail box of foreign
department to ask how to apply the passport increased dramatically.

On October 2, U.S claimed that it would grant the citizens with
Taiwanese passport Visa-free to the U.S.
On oct.26, in 2012 Taipei International Travel Fair, deputy
president Wu Dunyi again mentioned that the Visa-free to the U.S. would go into effect in November.

Republic of China Taiwan only has 23 diplomatic allies.
From November, 129 countries and regions granted Taiwan free-visa.
While mainland china has 171 diplomatic allies, among them
only 20 countries and regions granted free-visa.
From comparing, it initiated the mainland people thinking of
apply for Taiwanese passport.

Last year,the minister's mail box of Taiwan foreign department
received 42 mails which inquired how to apply for the passport and be naturalized.
While this year, there 420 the same mails and
the number increased 0 times dramatically.

Staff of the minister's mail box of Taiwan
foreign department Mr. Yang:
"This year, one after another, we received more than
400 inquiring mails;
Recently, there were more mails than ever."

Recently there spread a kind of saying in mainland websites,
That is: according to the constitution of Republic of China,
the original state region includes mainland.
Since mainland residents are also the citizens of Republic of China,
according to the law, they should apply for Taiwanese passport.

A democrat in mainland china said to NTDTV, that some awaken
mainland people began to rethink whether it is legal of the state
system and the ruling party of the People's Republic of China

Democrat in mainland: " all over corruptions, social injustices,
more bigger of the gap of the rich and the poor.
Awaken people are seeking the root cause. Now intellect of
people began to open, more historical truth began to deduct.
Since the Republic of China (ROC) is legal, according to the
Constitution of ROC, it may admit that we are the citizens of ROC.
According to jurisprudence, we may apply for the Taiwanese
passport. "

He also pointed out that so-called no valuable of passport of
the PROC was the main reason of mainland people applying the Taiwanese passport.

Mainland democrat: “There a joke that with the passport of
PROC, it isn't free-visa except that socialist countries and Africa countries.
So it's too venturesome for us to travel to those countries.

The views showed that people were disappointed at the
ruling regime of PROC.”

There also mainland people inquired to NTDTV how to apply
for Taiwanese passport.
They also said that they hoped their children to received
abroad education.
However, according to Cross-strait relations between the peoples,
Only to rely on relatives and marriage to obtain the nationality
of the ROC, you can handle the passport, for mainland people,
it's not so easy.

Independent commenter china social problem expert Zhang Jian
Analyzed, that the event of applying for Taiwanese passport fully
Reflected the mainland people's smart and wisdom;
It's also the biggest satire and heartlessly blows to the CCP authority.
At the same time, it can also help Taiwan and Ma Yingjiu government
to build a political thinking to perform democracy fully.

Independent commenter Zhang Jian: why can I say that,
our Chinese emphasized homeland most.
After the CCP built the regime, why so many people who grew
up in mainland, when they become matures, will change their nationalities?
What they taught that Taiwan Kuomintang was reactionaries.

To change the passport can fully prove that mainland citizens
having Owned the Democratic consciousness.

However, this will also be difficult to Taiwan government.
Zhang Jian also thinks that no matter whether the applications
were received or not, if president Ma Yingjiu dealt skillfully,
absolutely gained scores from international community;
It also is: large number of mainland people supporting
the Taiwan government.

Zhang Jian: “we estimate that he can award the ROC passport to
the proposer of mainland china.
Not only to slap the CCP, but also to build international image;

seen by all over the world, so small Taiwan,
can attract so many Chinese people's hearts;
Our hearts are to the democracy;
It fully proved that the CCP did not enjoy popular support in

Zhang Jian also thinks if Taiwan government can see through
the trend of the world's democracies, including the
CCP must be die, it can pay attention to this aspect.
