








任國賢﹕「實際上是非常的殘酷,我自己親身... 。除了那些普通的勞教隊之外,專門成立了...沒有轉化的法輪功學員把她們集中起來,一個人一個屋,然後...真的是... ,讓妳分分秒秒處於痛苦之中,各種的酷刑折磨妳... ,不來間斷的﹗他們的任務就是轉化法輪功學員,所以那個手段真的是... 。」





採訪/朱智善 編輯/周平 後製/蕭宇

Alumna's Open Letter to Rescue Kidnapped Teacher

Zhuang Yanhong, a lecturer at Beijing Univ. of Technology
is feeble and sick, living in pain with only one kidney.
After attending Falun Dafa 9-day Lecture in Jinan city in 1994,
Zhuang's body and mind underwent a great change.
However, on October 18, she was again kidnapped by
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities, it was now the 7th time.
Ren Guoxian, an alumna of Beijing Univ. of Technology (BUT),

urgently appealed to the international community to help
rescue Zhuang Yanhong.

Zhuang Yanhong is now being illegally detained in Beijing's
Chaoyang Detention Center.

Renguo Xian, BUT's master graduate, posted on
the internet an open letter to BUT's leaders and teachers.

She wrote: "On October 18, teacher Zhuang Yanhong was
kidnapped from the office by Chaoyang District policemen.
The BUT's security guards participated in blocking her
from leaving the office.”

Renguo Xian: "Since the CCP authorities started the
persecution of Falun Gong, she (Zhuang) has been kidnapped seven times.
In 2007, she was illegally detained in Beijing Women's
Forced Labor Camp for two years.
I myself experienced tortures at labor camps,
so I'm very upset about teacher Zhuang's situation.”

Xiong Wei, another Falun Gong practitioner,
has known Zhuang Yanhong for 14 years.
Xiong Wei reveals that Zhuang has suffered much pain
that is unimaginable for the general public.

Xiong Wei: "Several policemen severely beat her at the
same time. She was also forced-fed through intubations,
with her throat punctured in several places,
causing her to vomit blood.
In 2002 when detained in the brainwashing center,
she was banned from sleeping for over 20 days,
this caused her memory failure,
disfluency and lag in response.”

Ren Guoxian says that the CCP authorities
also illegally arrested her several times.
Ren underwent various forms of tortures
when imprisoned in labor camps.
Such as being held in solitary compartment,
Forced intensive brainwashing, beatings, insults,
deprived of bathing, sleep and access to toilet for days,
prolonged standing, squatting and sitting on a tall stool,
electric baton shock, damaging force- feeding, and
handcuffed to the bed in a body-tearing position…
For several times, Ren Guoxian was finally forced to seek
emergency medical rescue for cardiopulmonary failures.

Ren Guoxian: "Those were really cruel tortures that I've
personally experienced…
The Falun Gong practitioners who refused to renounce
their belief in Falun Dafa were confined to solitary compartments.
They put you in a painful position and you underwent
a variety of tortures…, without a break !
Their goal is to transform Falun Gong practitioners to
make them renounce their belief, using every imaginable cruel means at their disposal…”

Ren Guoxian has now emigrated to the U.S.A..

Ren Guoxian: "The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong
has never stopped since July 20, 1999.
On the eve of alleged “sensitive occasions”, such as
the 2008 Olympics Games, the 18th Party Congress,
they would kidnap more Falun Gong practitioners, and
on a larger scale.
It is said that over 40 Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing
were abducted before the 18th Party Congress.
In other regions, the number would certainly be higher.”

Ren Guoxian says that even laws stipulated under the CCP
cannot justify its persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.
Ren Guoxian appeals to the public to learn the truth and
help stop the persecution.

In her open letter, Ren Guoxian urged the BUT's teachers
and students to learn the truth and “Don't trust CCP's propaganda, and hold the candle to it ! ”
Ren wrote, "So far, Jiang Zemin and his followers, the major
culprits who are persecuting Falun Gong, including Luo Gan,
Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, have all been sued in over
30 countries for genocide, torture, crimes against humanity…
They will end up being brought to justice. Today in China,
outwardly, Jiang Zemin's force has declined in the CCP infighting.
The truth is that it's just a prelude to the
devastation of the CCP by Heaven."